Chapter 10: Jace

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Clary came back into the bedroom after a few moments.

"Why did I do this to her? Why didn't we just stay in Alicante like Izzy and Simon?"

I smiled.
I knew that she was aggravated about having to finally tell Emma everything.

"If you didn't want a kid, you didn't have to have sex with me."
"Hey!" She slapped my arm. "The first time it was only because we where literarily trapped in Hell. I thought we were going to die."
I nodded. "Alright. But what about the other two times?"
"The second time... I was drunk."
"And the third?"

The stepped up on her tippy toes and kissed me. "You're just so damn hot." She kissed me again.
"I know I am, but it's nice to hear that you think so."
"Ugh. You and your love for yourself," she sighed.
"You married me," he said to defend himself.
"I guess that's my fault isn't it," she joked as she pulled some of her old gear out of the chest and walked back into Emma's room.

I smiled again.

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