Chapter 2: Dark magic

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Italy turned to Germany. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

Germany didn't respond. There was the girl, unconscious on the bed mattress, her face sullen and emotionless. He studied her face. A sudden wave of sadness came over him.

He sighed and looked at the girl's face. She suddenly flinched and her face scrunched up in what looked like fear as if she was having a nightmare. "Ngh...Don'"

Germany took a step back. "!"

Italy, who was pacing around in circles, came to a slow stop. "Did you-a say-a something, Germany?" He looked at the girl. "Or did she...?"

Germany looked at the girl in awe. Was she talking to him?


"Come on, ___, you have to go!"

You sighed at your friend trying to convince you to go to Aaron's party. He had personally invited you and Lilly to his party. Well, more of flirted. And of course, Lilly, the girl who has a million crushes, immediately said yes, despite your oppositions.

"Why do I have to go? Will I die if I don't?"

"Yes! Every popular kid is going. Do you want to stay an outcast forever? Finally, we can be popular, even for a moment!"


"You stay at home too much. Go meet new people, get outside!"

"You're talking like my mom."

"Yes, my daughter. Now go clean up your room."

You laughed. Your room was a pigsty. When you had first moved in, your room actually looked pretty decent, and you liked it. It had blue curtains, and your bed had a beautiful pink canopy. Now, it looked like someone threw up. Only, instead of puke, it was clothes.

"Later. Maybe I'll do it when I'm staying at home and you're out playing beer pong and getting drunk and hitting up guys. Are you going to invite Nolan or Ryan to your bed tonight?"

She laughed. "You are full of shit!"

Both of you burst into laughter as Lilly gets out something from her purse.

"Hey." She pulls out a beautiful teal dress along with a white cardigan. The dress had a pink and white tie-dye bow and the cardigan had outstanding golden buttons that shined like the sun.

You were speechless. "Lilly...who is this for?"

She laughed gently. "You, silly. Try it on!"

You immediately squeal and rush into your bathroom.

"So, how do I look?"

For a few moments, you thought your friend had been paralyzed. She was not moving, and it didn't look like she was not breathing, either.

"Are you okay?"

She blinked, and a slow grin emerged. "You...look...FABULOUS!" she sang.

You made a face. "Are you just saying this so that I will go to the party?"

Her face fell. "I wasn't lying. And I wouldn't be able to, even if I tried. Here," she licked her finger and moved your bangs.

Lilly looked up and down. "Girl, you look like you just came out of a magazine!"

You couldn't help but blush. To be honest, you didn't feel too comfortable wearing it. You weren't used to wearing long dresses. And you weren't wearing anything underneath the skirt either. "It'll be warm. Should I really wear this cardigan?"

"So you'll go?" She squealed and clapped her hands. "Yes! Okay, we are spending the next twelve hours getting ready!"

"Twelve hours?!"


"gIrl, yOu HAvE tO trY SomE Of tHis wINe!!" 

You sighed. "We should be going home. You're drunk."

"I swear to drunk I'm not god!" Then she fainted.

"Nothing to see here, hehe." You chuckle nervously as some people turned their heads to your direction.This was a bad idea from the start! you thought.

The whole thing was a mess. It was well past 12. The minute you had entered the house, everything had gone from bad to worse. The house had been in complete chaos. Some people were shouting curse words, some were drinking even though you were under-aged, and some kids were even having sex out in the open! You were afraid someone would call the police, or someone would start a fight, or someone would try to bang on you. It was that crazy. And now your own friend was drunk. How were going to explain this to your parents? Oh, hey mom! We went to a party and Lilly got drunk!

"YOOOooo, ___!" You twirled around. 

"___! What-up! Ya know, we gonna try this thing, that, uh, Ralph told us about! Whoop whoop!"

You winced. "Sorry, Jake, but I should really be going. "

"Aw. Come on! Meow meow, I'ma kitty. Don'tcha wanna pet n' stay with the kitty?" He purred and clawed at your skirt, getting on his fours. 

"You better not be looking at my panties," you murmured, too quite for him to hear. You didn't want to stay any longer. But then again, Jake was one of your good friends.


"Yay!!!" he cried, and he started running around. "___ is going to play with us~"

He pulled you over to an area with a poorly drawn circle was drawn in the middle. There were some candles light up, and a bunch of Jake's friends you only knew by name were there.

"___!" A bunch of lopsided faces grinned at you. "Long time no see!"

"Hehe, hi." You forced a weak grin.

"___," Ralph called you over. He had a lopsided sickly smile on his face that made you uncomfortable. Despite your brain screaming at you to get out, you sat next to him.

"Ralph, tell us what you came up with."

"Glad to deliver. I saw a spell on the Internet. It said that saying Dumbledora the Explora three times together will grant us eternal happiness."


"So you just decide to believe some random spell just because it says it will make you happy? Hell, why don't we all just get a magic wand and sing our ABC's just because someone said so!" He had to be drunk. And if he wasn't before, that huge glass he just swallowed made him.

It was as if no one had heard you, because everyone just stood up, held hands, closed their eyes, and started chanting. 

This was bullshit.

Suddenly, you felt as if the whole world was moving at once. You staggered, suddenly extremely dizzy. You tried to hold onto something, but before you knew it, a black curtain fell over your very eyes.




This is the longest part to date. Hopefully I did a good job!

Bye my munchers!

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