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One Week Later

Marry still hadn't seen who she was under the care of,as whoever it was came at night only,and she remembered her mother telling her not to go outside. She wouldn't leave this room until she met this person.

Marry read through a history book,which she had seen before in her house,but had never read. Her mother,Shion,had told her that she was too young to read such things. It contained interesting facts about a monster/human war,which ended in the monsters being sealed Underground. This was somewhere between her mother's birth and her grandmother's dissaperence. She came to a stop in the book,and thought it was over....until she found a page,talking about the monsters freedom in what could've been at least a month ago,written in the handwriting of a child.

"I'LL JOIN THE FINE BOLD GANG!" The Orange haired girl exclaimed,just as Marry walked in with tea...and tripped. Long story short,Seto caught the pitcher holding the tea,but the Orange haired girl's phone had landed in it.

"Imsorryimsorryimsorry!" Marry cried from the floor. The blonde boy burst into laughter from where he sat,the green haired girl glaring daggers at him.

"Classic Marry!You only trip when there's nothing to trip over!" He exclaimed,laughing like a idiot. Marry looked into his eyes,and he froze. She looked at every single person in the room. She saw a child version of the boy,covered in blood in the very same apartment,a knife and a woman who must have been his mother laying close by...but moments later,he was cleaned up,and the mother was gone. Looking at the green haired girl,she saw the girl as a child looking at a burned house,tears running down her burned face. Seto,he was drowning in a river,a dog held close to him. The other girl had drowned too,except in a ocean with a man who was probably her father...and moments later,her in the hospital with a woman and a boy...her mother and brother. Marry shook herself out of the girl's memories. What was going on?

Her eyes flew open,and she gasped for breath. When did she call asleep? The door opened,and in peered a girl no older than nine. This was her savior?

"Hello,I'm Frisk.Frisk Dremurr."

"I'm M-Marry...." Marry stammered. Frisk smiled back.

"Is there a last name that goes with that?Ooh,or were you a orphan like I was?"

Marry's heart panged. This sweet little girl was a orphan?

"B-both,I guess.My last name is Kozakura.I'm Marry Kozakura....

Granddaughter of the medusa Azami."  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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