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the next day hartley released us to go to our tutoring sessions a couple of minutes early and I began placing my things together

"Hey um Nora?"

"Yes?" I answered looking over at Rose

"How's it going with Shawn?"

I'm assuming hartley heard the questioned because he broke away from writing on the board and began to stare at Rose and I.

"Oh um-" I cleared my throat my eyes diverting back and fourth between rose and hartley "Let's just say I'm glad we didn't switch folders after all."

after saying that hartley looked away and resumed writing whatever it was that he was writing on the board

"is that so?" Rose smiled


"what's he like?" she asked once we were outside of the classroom

"He's very Interesting." I replied

"Interesting how?"

"You know what suggestion." I said halting from walking any further "Why don't you just go talk to him yourself if you're so interested in him Rose?"

she said nothing, and I continued my walk to the library alone.


entering into the the library I was surprised that shawn was already sitting down at the table with a book opened up wide in his face

it was my book actually.

"What the hell?" I questioned approaching the table

"What the hell is right." He replied "Carlie's such a bitch." he said in reference to the book

"You stole my book?" I responded pulling it from his hands

"Actually, you left your book when you stormed off yesterday-speaking of which I thought you said you weren't ever coming back and that I shouldn't expect to see you ever again which is impossible because I see you all the time anyways."

"Funny." I replied sitting down in the chair "Because I never see you."

"That's because you never pay attention to anything Nora." he replied "But You saw me yesterday twice if we're being exact."

"So you're saying that you stalk me?"

a cute chuckle bypassed his lips


did I just call shawns chuckle cute?

oh god.

"No, but It's kind of hard to not see someone like you."

"What do you mean Someone like me?" I questioned my eyebrows raised

"I mean someone as beautiful as you."

my cheeks grew hot, and I tucked my hair behind my ear

something I only did when I was nervous

and right now I was definitely fucking nervous.

and it was his fault

I wasn't supposed to feel like this around someone who annoyed me

but the question is

did he really actually annoy me?

or was it just the simple fact that he was cute that annoyed me?

whatever it was I needed to figure it out.

And fast.

"Um-" Shawn Said Pulling me from my thoughts "So are we gonna get started or what?"

"Yeah of course." I responded moving my hair from out of my face. "What subject do you want to start on first?"


"Last time I checked I'm not an area of study Shawn." I replied not breaking my gaze from the chemistry book I had opened in my face.


"Don't start." I said looking up from the book "With your stupid definitions I know the definition of the word subject."

"Well then you should know that you are In Fact a subject. like for instance you're the subject of this conversation."

"Well Last time I checked I'm the tutor and you're the tutee."

"Right." Shawn responded licking his lips "You call the shots."

"Exactly so we're gonna start on-um how about World History?"


the bell rung out in the speakers interrupting Shawn, my eyes widened as I pulled back my sleeve to examine the time on my watch had thirty five minutes really passed by that fast?

"Well." Shawn said pressing his lips together "Looks like we're out of time what a shame."

"We gotta get some sort of studying in. Shawn."

"Okay fine let me have your number."

"I'm not giving you my number." I replied cramming papers into my binder

"Well I'll give you mine."

"I don't want your number."

"Thats too bad." Shawn said as he stuffed a folded sheet of paper into the front pocket of my jeans

"I'm not going to call you."

"Sure you aren't."

"I'm not."

"Okay." he stated

"Okay." I replied

"Okay." he said once again

I heaved a heavy sigh "Shawn were not about to do this."

"Do what?" he questioned his lip perched at the corner

"This whole okay argument."


I glowered "I don't have time for this I need to go before I'm late to class."

"bye." he said as I walked away from him "I'll be expecting that call from you Nora."

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