Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"AGHHHHH!" she screamed. I couldn't find her. The streets were too dark. I couldn't see her. I didn't know where she was. I didn't know who she was. I just knew someone was dying. Again.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed hoping for an answer. Of course I wouldn't get one because I wasn't apart of the moment. I was just an invisible witness.

I found her. Under some brown haired guy. A particular white haired girl. Winter. I couldn't let her die. No matter what. Winter was not dying. Leon wouldn't forgive me.

I felt the blunt object collide with my skull as it would hers. The indescribable pain shot through my whole body but stuck close to my head. The blunt object came down again on my head as it would hers and I felt the crack. By that time she was dead and could no longer feel the pain but he continuously attacked her head with the blunt object. My body then switched into two people nearby who were simply walking late at night. Winter's killer attacked the couple, hitting the guy first and knocking him to the ground. The pain flowed into my ribs which was where the guy was hit. The killer turned to the girl and attacked her, bashing her knees with the object. He returned to the guy and thrashed at his body with the object until his breathing stopped. He then raised the bar far over his head and brought it down with all his might over the girls head and she fell. I saw the faces in the moonlight. I couldn't believe it. Dallas's sister and her boyfriend, Colin. My whole body ached but my head hurt more from trying to wrap my head around all of this.

The vision wasn't over. It flashed to Dallas. He was asleep in his bed. He looked so peaceful. So calm. The killer pulled out a long knife and held it close. He climbed onto Dallas and lightly smacked his cheek to wake him up. But as his eyes saw his killer the knife impaled his chest as did mine. I clenched into my chest and tried to breathe steadily. I tried to grasp onto anything but there was nothing to grab. And then everything went black for a few seconds. Minutes. I wasn't sure. But I suddenly jolted up in my bed. If this vision was true, which it always was, I knew what I had to do. I had to save someone.

There was a possibility that I could die in the process but I had to try. And since the killing would start soon, I only had a few minutes to save him. Dallas. My lover's boyfriend. How messed up is that?

I jumped out of bed and ran out the house after dressing myself. I ran to Dallas's house and climbed up the tree into Skai's room. I climbed in and closed the window behind me, locking it. I carefully walked to the door in Skai's room and walked out, down the hall, into Dallas's room.

I was early. The killer wasn't here yet. I ran to Dallas and shook him awake.


"Wake up! It's Cyan. I have no time to explain but I have to get you out of here before-" I heard a window break and I knew it was in Skai's room. Dallas heard it too and sat up quickly.

I pulled at his shirt and walked over to the window. We had no other choice but to jump. I quietly opened it and helped him out. Once I saw he made it down, I started to climb out.

As I was half way out, I felt a sharp tug at my shirt, pulling me back into the room. I started kicking and screaming, trying to get him away from me. He wasn't wielding his knife at the moment but I knew he would kill me if the chance arose. I continued to kick and scream until I kicked him in the face. I stumbled over to the window and tried again but I wasn't fast enough. All I felt was the knife in my thigh. I screamed and fell to my knees, my hands shacking as they hovered over the knife. The killer kicked me in my ribs, making me fall over in pain. Real pain. I screamed out louder as the knife bent in the flesh. The killer flipped my body so I was on my back. I felt his hands on either side of my head and I knew he knew how to snap a neck and mine would be next to prove it. I cried out for help, knowing none would come. What they said about your life flashing before your eyes right as your about to die is true. I saw everything. I felt everything. Most was all the deaths I witnessed. Some were family memories. But the most important were of Leon. And last night was the best night of my life. Thanks to him. But I could never tell him that because I was dying.

Love Me. (boyxboy) [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang