Chapter 08: Rumors

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From that morning on, Ian and I always got Starbucks before work. It wasn't only a great chance for us to wake up a little, but to also learn about each other's personal lives. You'd think we would've learned at least a little something about one another after working with each other for a month and a half; but while being surrounded by sick people, syringes, and stethoscopes, what the other person likes to do in their spare time isn't really something you think about. So, it's nice to have an extra hour and a half every morning to just sit and talk about our lives. I've learned more about Ian within the past two weeks than I have working with him for a month. I've learned that he enjoys playing video games like Mass Effect and Halo, running with his German shepherd named Daisy, cooking, and painting. He says he's not very good, but I don't believe him. He's also told me about his ex love, Bianca. Apparently, he dated her for a little over two years but kept having some severe problems that they couldn't fix, so he left her. He said that he regretted it and wanted to get her back, but when he tried, she had already found another guy. He said that it devastated him, but he moved on. He had to. I felt bad for him and tried to comfort him, but he said that he was fine. He didn't look okay, but I didn't want to bother him. He then asked me about Jesse and what happened, but I didn't tell him. I don't really want to ever tell him. I'm just... not ready to talk about it and I don't know if I ever will be. Whenever he asks, I usually veer him away from the question with something cute that Maya has done or said recently. It works every time because I know how much he loves her.

"Morning lovebirds. Have a nice morning?" One of the nurses asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Even though Ian and I really enjoy grabbing coffee every morning, it's causing quite a stir around the clinic. Rumors have been going around that we're "a thing" and it's really getting everyone excited when there really isn't anything to be excited about. We're close friends, but that's it. Nothing more.

"We had a fantastic morning, Megs. And we're not lovebirds. We're just friends." I replied, looking back to Ian with annoyed glare, but he didn't see me. He was too busy looking at the ground with a light blush on his cheeks.

"That's not what Betty's saying. Betty is swearing up and down that you two are together and even has money up against it with Trisha." My eyes widened.

"Betty and Trisha are in this too?" I groaned. Betty and Trisha are the receptionists at the front desk of the clinic. They are probably the most loved here in the clinic, besides Ian and myself of course, and they know all the gossip that goes around the hospital. If Betty and Trisha know about the rumor, it's probably safe to assume that the whole hospital knows.

"Of course they are! Everyone in the hospital is talking about it. Just yesterday, Betty wouldn't shut up about how happy she was for you and Maya."

"Well when you see her today, tell her that it's not true. Ian and I are not dating." Megan just laughed and shook her head.

"You know you can't change Betty's mind, but I'll try." As the day wore on, so did the "lovebird" jokes. They didn't really get to me much because I knew that, like with all hospital gossip, it would pass eventually and no one would remember it ever again. However, it seemed to bother Ian. He didn't seem like his peppy self all day today even when we had a kid in the office. He just shot a couple of smiles and giggles and that wasn't like him at all. I knew something was up.

"Hey, why was you so down today?" I asked while locking up the clinic. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just tired." Bullshit.

"Are you sure? You didn't act like yourself today." Ian nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ya know, if the "lovebirds" thing was what got to you today, don't worry about it. It's just hospital gossip and it normally passes after a week or so." Ian shook his head.

"Pshh, I don't care about nurse's gossip." I furrowed my eye brows.

"Then what's going on?" Ian placed his hands inside of his pockets and sighed a little bit.

"I don't know... I guess I'm just... lonely."

"Lonely?" I asked. Ian nodded.

"Yeah. No one ever comes over because I don't have the time and when I do have the time, everyone else I know is busy. I can't remember the last time I socialized with someone that wasn't you over a morning cup of coffee. N-Not that I mind it because I don't. AT ALL! I actually look forward to our coffee mornings, but here recently... I just feel like I need a change in scenery or something, ya know?" I nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes clinic work can get a little boring and you need to spend time with some friends away from the normal routine so you don't loose your mind." Ian chuckled.

"Yeah. That's exactly how I feel." I smiled at him and returned his laughter. Maybe I should invite him over for dinner or something. Maybe that's the change in scenery that he really needs.

"Well, if you would like a change in scenery now, why don't you come over and eat dinner with me, my sister, and little Maya? I'm sure that Maya would be more than thrilled to speak to the "princess expert" again and after being called "lovebirds" all day, I'm sure that you need it." Ian froze in thought for a moment.

"I don't know, Anthony. That's more work on your sister and I don't want to be bother."

"Nonsense! She'll be happy to cook an extra plate for you. Plus we could play some video games and even watch a movie with Maya, if you want." Ian bit his lip and thought a little longer, this time taking a little over a minute to speak again.

"Alright. As long as Renee doesn't mind, then I guess I could come over." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Okay. I'll call Renee and let her know that you're coming over. Just hop in your car and follow me." Ian nodded, opening his car door.

"Okay." He got in and closed the door, but opened it again to say something else. "OH! When you talk to her, tell her to not tell Maya I'm coming. I want to surprise her." Ian said, a small smile creeping over his face. I nodded, my heart swelling with warmth from his sweet gesture.

"Okay, I will." I might not be looking to date anyone right now, but if I was, Ian would definitely be the first one I'd go after. Any guy that treats my little princess like a queen has already won over half of my heart and Ian is no exception.

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