Two Hearts

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Doctor Foreman was his name, 

A man born on Earth, 

Who fell in love with books.

For days at a time, 

He would bury his nose in countless tales, 

Of fantasies and realities.

But then he grew up, 

And fell in love with knowledge. 

So focussed on his studies was he, 

That he became a knowledgable man.

And one day, he found a woman, 

So broken and lonely, 

Just like himself.

And so, he gave his heart away. 

Still he poured hours into his studies, 

Searching for an answer to a heart, 

That wished to wander.

One night he came home, 

To find his love broken and gone, 

On the floor.

Time had caught up to her, 

As it did to us all. 

That day, his hearts broke in two, 

Tearing him apart.

One desired a dark demise, 

While one was still so full, 

Of knowledge and kindness.

So he fell, vanishing from history, 

Until he was found on a planet as new as our own. 

And he buried himself in his studies; 

Of Gallifrey and its history.

He became a Time Lord, 

His hearts broken in two, 

One still on Earth, dreaming of a simple end, 

And one bound to a future of eleven faces, 

Of good times and bad.

His name is Doctor Foreman, 

But now he is simply: 

Doctor, who?

No one uttering his true name, 

Foreman just another pyseodnym. 

So, what is your name?

Doctor, Who? 

The man with two hearts. 

Never stopping, never staying, 

In fear of the past.

Doctor Foreman, 

Please, don't go; 

Open the doors! 

Doctor, we need you.

You were once the saviour of worlds; 

Are you going to save this one? 

It always was destined to begin with those two words: 

Doctor, who?

A/N: This is my take on the Doctor's two hearts. One is for his love of humanity, and the other is filled with the pain of losing everyone he loves. Though I haven't seen Classic Who, I wanted to add a tip of the hat to those series, as the 50th draws nearer. Basically, this poem is describing the inner battle the Doctor has between light and dark, the mystery of his name, and how no one should ever know the answer, and also the Doctor's love of humanity. Finally, I included a non-canon reference to the Doctor, and how in one of the first episodes, one of his companions called the Doctor "Doctor Foreman." To which he replies; "Doctor who?"

Hope you all enjoy, and I apologize if my explanation isn't exactly what happened in Classic Who.

Dedicated to RainforestGirl for the GIF banner found on the first poem.

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