Phan - Duvets and Confessions ~fluffy oneshot~

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Uh oh, I wrote a very long fic. I'm sorryyyy

Pairings: Phil and Dan

Warnings: Nothing but cuteness and a lil kiss, nothing bad.

Author: Galacticunicorn123

Note: Hai:3, please comment, le criticism is taken on board. Pls comment

I have no friends.

Anwayssss, on with le show.

(3rd person), still no Dan. Phil picks up his phone, unlocking it and wincing as the white light pierces his retinas in the dark room. He was worried about Dan, understanding that he is 22, he holds back the urge to enquire about his location. 'C'mon Dan, where are you?' Phil mutters, confused by himself. Why was he so worried about Dan? Granted, he is Dan's best friend and obviously harbours feelings for him. Of course he would care. But something deep inside Phil tells him that this is not just a "friendship" for himself, a pang in his stomach as worry engulfs him reiterates his thoughts. 'Stop. Just stop. Why would he care about you like that?' Negative thoughts swirling in his mind as his feelings mingle together in a sea of discomfort. Kicking off the covers that surround him, he unlocks his phone once more and hastily types out a text to Dan.

'Where are you? It's and I'm worried. Call me please x' Phil doesn't think twice about sending an 'x' to Dan, this was totally normal, since the day of their late night Skype calls. A few moments later his phone vibrates in his tight grasp, luminating the room once more with its alert.

'Philly I'm lost n alone. Get me please ridjrnejjjeijjejei' Phil quickly read over the text, realising how drunk Dan must have been by the keyboard mash at the end. He had to call him, he felt like a concerned Mother. The phone called only twice before a drunken Dan answered at the other end.

'Phiiiiiilllllll, where am I?'

'Dan, listen, you have to tell me where you are so I can come and get you, okay?'

'B-but I'm lost' Dan started to sob, he was always more emotional when inebriated.

'Dan, what can you see?'

'A park, a dog, and Shakeaway' the younger boy slurred out, still sobbing.

'Okay, don't move. I'm coming to get you, stay on the phone to me. I will be there soon.'

Phil was already out of the flat, jumping into a taxi, rushing out the direction he needed to be in. Dan was talking about random things, Phil not listening, only assessing the situation in his mind. 'How could Peej and Chris leave him like this?' Anger bubbled in Phil's mind as he thought about his "friends" abandonment. He finally got there, finding Dan sitting on the cold pavement outside Shakeaway, still talking to Phil oblivious he was standing right infront of him.

Phil hung up the phone, causing Dan to sob even more, still not seeing Phil.

'C'mon you, time to come home.' Phil smiled out stretching his arms to Dan, helping him from his seated position.

'Phillllllyyyyyyyy!' Dan shouted, stumbling into Phil's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck. Phil stood silently, and pulled back a little bit, embarrassed and shocked from Dan's affectionate outburst. He wrapped his arm around Dan's waist, taking some of his weight and giving him support in case he fell. They both got into the taxi, Phil once again instructing the driver on where to go.

'How did you find me, Philly?' Dan slurred, falling into Phil's lap and giggling.

'Well when you said Shakeaway, I took a wild guess.' Phil smiled at Dan, shifting uncomfortably at Dan in his lap. Admiring his best friends' beauty, the way his hair fell, his dimples, his tanned complexion. 'Stop, Phil.' He barked at himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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