Chpt.3 school

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Amber got out of her bed slowly, still frightened by her dream , and got dressed in her peach colored jeans , and a white faded shirt underneath . She put on her favorite black hoodie , and black and pink high top converse . She than combed through her short ,dirty blonde hair and put on her glasses . " Time to go catch the bus ..." She mumbled .

It was a long , noisy bus ride to school . As always , Amber sat at the back of the bus and listened to music the way to school . It's not like anyone talked to her , anyways .  Amber carefully stepped off the bus , and walked inside the giant building with her head down so no one could recognize her . Sadly someone did . Amber was pushed onto the floor . " what are you doing on my turf , weirdo ? " the person said . " go away, Cody . This isn't your 'turf' ." Amber said , keeping her head down . " oh , and who say that , you ? " Cody said as he started to kick Amber repeatedly . As soon as that happened , kids started to gather around and chant " FIGHT ! FIGHT ! FIGHT ! FIGHT ! " over and over agin . Soon cody's bully henchmen joined in , and started kicking Amber in the stomach , face , and chest . All the sounds echoed in Amber's ears as she helplessly laid there and too the beating . When it finally stopped , she had blood dripping from her mouth , a black eye , and several bruises and cuts . As soon as everyone left , Amber headed to the clinic to treat her wounds , and went through with the rest of her day , avoiding everyone .

Hey guys ! Sorry this update took so long . I ran out of ideas . I also changed the main character's name to Amber . Anyway , I hope you liked it ! This is important so please listen . I need your help to come up with a catchphrase for her once she goes ... Well ... Ya know ... Koo-Koo . I'll have some of my ideas down in the comments and I'll number them , and you comment the number you liked best . If YOU have an idea , comment it ! :) I love comments , but try to keep them positive pls . :) thanks so much for your help ! ~ Izzy <3

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