Chapter 1

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Time Will Remember Us - Chapter 1

The large planet of Yelsain was a forest world covered in trees over 400 meters high. The buildings, (if you could call them that) were all high in the trees entirely made of wood, as most everything was on the planet. The world had lower than average gravity, caused by the little to no heavy metals on the planet. Both because of the planet's crust and because of the peculiar values of the inhabitants, who didn't see the importance of it.

By galactic standards, Yelsain seemed to be backwards. The settlers, plowed their fields with animals pulling wood. At the same time, they made use of high-tech items, such as communicators, air cars, and advanced medical techniques, and they were among the most educated people in the Minos Cluster. Yelsain schools of higher learning were second to none, children starting their teachings at the age of one. Almost everyone on the planet had advanced training in a specialized field, and many came from off world to go to the prestigious universities of Yelsain. The human inhabitants of the planet were rustic and backwards because they wanted to be, not because they had to be. They made the best of what they were given and to them it wasn't rustic or backwards at all. It was simply their way of life. To them the rest of the galaxy was backwards in their ways.

The atmosphere of Yelsain was very high in oxygen, so visitors tended to get dizzy at first, particularly when they exerted themselves. The high oxygen also helped create the spectacular weather Yelsain was so famous for, having immense thunderstorms almost every night.

The animals that inhabited the planet were extremely large, averaging twice the average human and were carnivorous and highly dangerous. The two most dangerous creatures were the trogliths, slimy lizard like creatures and the garaths, large cat-like animals.

They had an Anarchist democracy. Its constitution allowed for no taxation or paid government officials. Government itself was forbidden by law. Despite the absence of a government, Yelsain was largely free of any crime, mostly because the people ensured justice was carried out in their neighborhoods. Once every year, for a weeks' time, a grand Moot was held in a huge open field north of Trade town. Merchants from all over the cluster, and sometimes the galaxy were invited to land there ships and trade goods with the settlers. Half the populace of Yelsain attended and it was where much of the drinking, singing, fighting, boasting, gambling, carousing, hunting, trading, and spouse seeking went on.

And it was during the start of this one week where our story begins.


A young girl, around the age of three with pin straight long blonde hair and dark blue eyes ran outside of her home high in the trees and out onto the branches, skipping over to the rope and wood walkway suspended up in the air.

Taking the small bone knife that was sheathed in a leather case, the young girl tied its strings to her green pants. She looked over her shoulder and didn't see her pursuer like she knew she should have. Her brother was older than her, at age eight and much faster. He should have been able to catch up to her. Shrugging she continued on her way over the fifty foot long bridge that connected her home to the platform she and her family shared with their neighbors. When she got there she didn't see anyone, and so went down the spiraling wooden steps that wrapped around a thick trunk on her own, quickly making her way to the bottom one.

She jumped off the last step, landing on the ground soft and soundless before running inside the dense forest that was covered in vines and trees, but she knew the place well. She had been exploring it for as long as she could remember, ever since she could walk. Pausing again on her trek to look behind her she counted to three in her head before she whipped her head back around to stare at her brother.

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