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I grab her hand, and as soon as I'm standing, she whispers "I'm sorry about this" and a wave of blackness surrounds us. No noise or light from the busy street penetrate the circle of darkness, expanding 5 feet in every direction from her. Tendrils of inky shadow spread from her feet, and they slither towards me like snakes. I shriek and sprint to the edges of the circle, but they are like solid stone, and I'm trapped. The tendrils of shadow wrap around the arms and legs of my own shadow, but I feel the cold, oily, sickening sensation on my own body, I writhe and struggle, apparently held by nothing, but I can't do anything.
"Cool, right? I'm just sorry that they're making us do this, It gets better the longer it drags on, don't worry." The woman says, and pulls out a syringe.
I wanted to scream 'What are you going to do to me', but with the invisible tendril around my mouth, it sounded like "wo're ruyou gondoo tomee?!" With some other grunts and screaming in there too. She tighten the grip on the shadow snakes and I can't even struggle anymore. The cold, metal needle meets my neck, and I wince as a hot, painful fluid begins to flow through my veins, and makes my skin feel like it's burning. I feel immediately exhausted, like I'd run a marathon, then been pumped full of Z-quill. The fiery sensation races through me and I realized how fast my blood moved. It raced up my neck and when it reached my head, I was barely conscious, able to walk, and stand. That's all. She takes my hand, seeing that I'm fully subdued and drags me along after her, while intense burning in my blood is my main focus. The pain is horrific and just the right consistency so I don't pass out from it, but am still thoroughly tortured.

When she stopped running, I was laid on a cot, or a stretcher and strapped down to it. My vision is deteriorating and the edges darken, until my open eyes can no longer see. All I feel is the burning fire in my veins and heart.

The Different Onesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن