Book Review #5- Starvation

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Title- Starvation

Author- god_bless_america

Genre- Teen Fiction

Summary- indigo has a few issues. he can't stop eating. he hates himself. and, everybody else hates him, too.


Book Review-

Grammar- 6/10

Style and Tone- 7/10


Story Structure- 6.5/10

I like where the story is going. There are a  few grammar errors in the story but what really lowered the grammar to a 5 are the punctuation mistakes. In your story, there were many punctuation mistakes because you did not put your "periods" or "question marks" in the right place.This confused the reader a few times because we did not know when the sentences ended or if it was a question or not. There are no capital letters at the beginning but you stated that at the introduction of the book, so that wasn't a problem. You have a good writing style and tone. Your writing style is very crisp because it is understandable and effective. You explain everything about what the characters are going through, and their opinions, mainly Indigo. In the story, you use a depressing tone, which is a good thing because that is what you want your characters to feel like, you want them to feel sad and pitiful for the character, Indigo. I believe you succeed on the style and tone. You also describe the Indigo and his friends, Cal & Bear(John). I like how you describe them because you really give a lot of details about them. Indigo describes his opinions during the story and it tells the reader a lot about him, and how he thinks. You write it in a informal way so we can imagine it. :) I found the plot nice, you immediately start the story with the problem which causes the reader to want to continue to read to story. Your first chapter starts basically, with what Indigo does everyday. Your story structure was okay. Something though, that you don't HAVE to do is just make the chapters a little longer and add a little more detail. But everything else is fine. Good Job! :) 


Would I recommend it to anyone?


*Remember I'm not a professional book reviewer so these are all my opinions. If I offended you in anyways, I'm so sorry but I didn't mean it as an offense but just to point out the mistakes that you made. I want to help your book become better and more famous, not to offend and criticize it.

If you have any questions or problems, please write a comment below. Thanks :)


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