Chapter 3

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•Jase's POV•
Today is the day we tell our parents, friends, and siblings. Belle would be happy that we are finally telling everyone our Big Secret. But everyone else won't be so happy.

We had everyone come to the apartment Hayden and I shared. When the doorbell rang Raja started barking like crazy.

He was a Yellow Lab puppy. He was full of energy as he greeted everyone as they walked in.

Hayden and I greeted them as well. They all walked into the living room and sat on the couch. We walked in a moment later carrying glasses of lemonade.

"Hey!" I said. "So why are we here?" Belle asked. She already knew why. "Well, Hayden and I want to tell you something that you may not like."
Uncle Jack looked at me. "You two are dating now aren't you?" He said it with such an angry voice. "Yes dad. And if you don't like it I can show you the door. I am a grown woman. I can make decisions on my own." Hayden said that with a confidence I hadn't seen before.

"I'm sorry Hayden, I don't approve." Her mom said. My aunt. The one who supported me and her no matter what. She got up and left. Uncle Jack said "Hayden, I never expected this out of you. Don't come home." And he walked out after his wife.

Now my parents turn to speak. My dad looked at me. "Now Jase, I really love Hayden. She is such a sweet girl. My little princess. My niece. You aren't allowed to hurt her. Okay?" He said. "You approve Uncle Sammy?" Hayden said with tears from her parents rejection rolling down her cheeks. "Yes princess I do." He said.

I was glad I had at least one person's approval. We looked at my mom expectantly. "Now listen, both of you, no grandkids until you are married." She smiled at us. My parents have always supported me. And now Hayden.

Belle ran up to us and hugged us. "Good job guys. I'm glad it's not a Big Secret anymore." We hugged her back and they had to leave.

That left Andy sitting on the couch. "Andy?" Hayden said. He would make or break our relationship. She valued his opinion more than anyone else's. "I am glad Jase is here to protect you." He said. "I approve. If that is what you wanted to know. Love you sis." He stood up and left.

She looked at me. "I got approval from everyone except from Jack and Katelyn. They aren't my parents anymore. If they don't approve of you, I don't approve of them. So they can shove it." She said it and forced a smile.

"Baby, I know it hurts" I said to her. And with that she broke. She ran into my chest and sobbed. I held her tight. She stood like that for what seemed like forever. Then she let go. She walked over to the couch, sat down, and brought he knees to her chest. She cried. I couldn't take it.

When she was sad, I was too. When she was hurt, I was too. "Babygirl, everything is going to be okay. I promise." I said looking at her. She briefly looked up. "Don't make promises you can't keep." She looked at me with those big brown eyes. Her long brown hair framing her face beautifully. "I would never." I said and hoped it was true. "Just hold me please?" She said.

I walked over to her and sat down. I held her. We turned on the tv. She turned on some random show.

It was boring but I watched it with her. I got up after about 3 hours of continuous tv watching. I walked into the kitchen and got out 2 bowls. I walked to the fridge and got out chocolate syrup and cherries. Then I opened the freezer and got out the ice cream. I scooped until the both bowls were full then I put on chocolate syrup and lots of cherries on both of them.

I walked back into the living room and handed one to Hayden. "Thanks baby." She said. Trying to smile but she couldn't. She forced a weak one my way. We sat and ate our ice cream. Then I took our bowls back in the kitchen. After I washed them I went back to the living room and cuddled Hayden until she fell asleep.

Then I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our bed. I laid her down and laid down beside her. I fell asleep to the sound of her peaceful

A/N ~ this was a long chapter. I hope you like it. ❤️


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