Twenty - Three

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Be aware of today. Tomorrow will come. Don't find yourself so busy looking for your future, that you overlook your present. Sometimes we focus so much on where we want to be that we forget that where we are is just as important.

We define happiness. What happiness is to you is not the same for others. Create your own happiness and you will find that no one can take it from you, but you.

Don't deny your heart break, sadness, or struggle. It is completely okay to not be okay. The first step to healing is acceptance. Do you accept? If yes, awesome. Enjoy the beginning of healing.

Give the energy and effort you put towards getting over your situation to getting through your situation. Circumstances are present for a reason. Growth is within each trial. It's all necessary.

We must journey through our journey the best way that we know how.

How can someone give you exact directions if they've never taken that path? We have to be cautious about who we take advice from.

If you ask for happiness and it seems as though everything is being taken away from you, they probably are. If you can be genuinely happy with nothing at all you have found happiness!

Sometimes we work so hard at being okay when we have nothing, that when we finally get what has been lacking, we panic. We focus on relearning how to be okay all over again. Listen, if it works out with nothing, it'll work out with something.

When someone says, "it's not you, it's me." believe them!

We say love hurts, love is dumb, love is complicated. No! Love is love. Those things you've experienced that may have come with loving someone hurt, are dumb, and are complicated. Don't downplay love. Love is not the problem.

You are very powerful. The first step necessary to take in regards to tapping into your power is understanding that you do in fact hold this power. Now that you know it, what are you going to do with it?

Did you notice that I have said "we" in almost every statement? You are never alone or are the only one.

We are absolutely everything we want to be! I say this because we have the ability to accept or change.

Twenty - ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now