Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I sat down next to Jc because he was the only one who saved me a seat. When we all got to talking I realized Sam didn't come in. I also realized the van was gone. What happened!?!?

I jumped out of my seat pushing Kian and Kindred out of my way causing them to spill their coffee. I ran outside with Jc following me. I turned around and said "Jc whats going on!?!? Where is Sam? And where is the van?!?" Jc calmly answered and said "Its okay he is out running some errands. No need to freak out. I have a surprise for you later." I looked at him and smiled. "I love surprises!" He laughed and told me "I didn't know you liked surprises." I looked at him in disbelief and said "How could you not know!" He looked at me and smiled. He giggled and we went back inside with our hands linked together. As we came in Kian made a joke about how cute we look. I just walked up to him and slapped him in the back of the head.

Kian's POV

When I saw Kindred come out of Starbucks yesterday I almost cried. I have missed her so much! We hugged for like 10 minutes and it was amazing. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love her! I love her so much and just want her to be mine! I am so going to ask her out on a date later. I can't wait till Jc gives Ashton her surprise because she is going to love it!

Kindred's POV

I really almost cried when I saw Kian yesterday. I missed him so much. I love him. I hope he feels the same way so he will ask me out on a date. I know Ashton already knows I like him but what she doesn't know is that I love him. Wait I don't love him, I'm in love with him. I heard from Kian that Jc has a surprise for Ashton but I don't know what it is.

Sam's POV

I had so much fun yesterday when I got to see Ashton. But nobody knows I love her. I kissed her on the cheek yesterday and told her I loved her but she still loves Jc. But I figured out that she would changer her feelings and go out with me if she could change her feelings so I guess thats a start. I'm on my way to get Ashton something she has always wanted so I hope she will love it and come to me instead of Jc.

Ashton's POV

I can't believe Jc has a surprise for me! Maybe he does have feelings for me! Maybe I will get a chance to be with Jc! I just can't believe what Sam said earlier. It brings me down to see him in pain. I wish I could do something for him. I really like him as a friend but there is no way I would ever get a chance with him anyway. I love Jc not Sam.

Connor's POV

I really enjoyed seeing Ashton and Kindred yesterday. I enjoyed seeing Kindred the most. I really don't know if anyone knows this but, I like Kindred and Ashton but they both have guys from the group. Ashton has Jc and Kindred has Kian. I don't know if either one of the two people are dating so I might have a chance!

Trevor's POV

I really enjoyed seeing Ashton and Kindred yesterday. The best part about being with them is that we are all happy no matter what. I don't have feelings for them but I still love them. I am very happy for Kian and Jc because they have girlfriends! I think they are dating Ashton and Kindred but i'm not really sure yet.

Ricky's POV

I am happy that Ashton is here! I have my twerk buddy with me and my gym buddy. Kindred and I have to hit the gym when we are finished with our coffee. I think Kian is coming too but I don't know for sure.

Jc's POV

Ashton is going to love her surprise! I just have to ask her out first. I don't know when or how. Thats my only problem. I want to know what happened with Sam and her outside because she came in with a tear running down her face. It couldn't be anything to crazy. I mean it's not like he said he loved her. So I'm not gonna worry about it. I am just gonna spend time with my baby, my lovely and beautiful Ashton.

Ashton's POV

As we finished up our coffee Ricky was talking about going to the gym and asked if anyone wanted to join. Kindred, Kian, Connor and Trevor all went with Ricky but me and Jc were the only ones left so we waited on Sam to get back with the van while Ricky and the rest of the guys walked to the gym. While me and Jc waited I started a conversation. I said "How is your mom back home?" He said "Oh she fine." I said "Thats great!" He said "Yeah. I really miss my siblings though." I love guys who are like that. I said "Well don't you get to go back home and see them in the summer?" He shook his head and said "No. I only get to see them on Christmas Eve and Christmas day." That made me really upset. As we kept waiting he asked "Will you go on a date with me tonight?" I was so shocked that my jaw dropped and my eyes widened! Jc looked at me and said "Is that a yes or a no?" I shook my head and hugged him. I can't believe he has the same feeling for me! I just can't let go of him. Finally I let go if him and he...kissed me. I obviously allowed it but then Sam pulled up in the van and stared at us. Our lips finally let go and I looked at Sam who looked very happy for us. He came up to us and hugged us. He asked "What happened while I was gone? Did your lips get lost?" Me and Jc started laughing and I told him "Me and Jc are going on a date later. I can't wait!" Sam looked at Jc and said in an upset voice "Oh. I hope you guys have fun." I looked at Jc and Jc looked at Sam and said "Look bro I really like Ashton and why are you so sad?" I looked at same in a 'don't you dare tell him what you told me' kind of way. Sam said in a very excited voice "Oh I was just teasing you Jc I am bery happy for you and Ashton!" I turned and looked at Jc and I kissed him passionately. I was so happy that I could cry. I didn't but I could have. I looked at Jc and kissed him one more time before we got up and headed to the van. As we came up to the van I asked if I could drive and Sam said "Sure just don't get us killed!" I looked at Sam and rolled my eyes and San tossed me the keys. We were on our way back to the hotel.

(Authors Note)

This was a pretty good chapter. I thought it would be a lot worse. I hope you like it. The next chapter will be about what happens between Ashton and Jc. Keep reading to find out what happens.

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