Rebellion: Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Never before had Dorad felt as small as he did during his stay in Werach. From riding across a drawbridge over a deep moat and under a heavy steel portcullis to moving amidst the throng of people in the marketplace, he felt that he played a miniscule part among the thousands of lives taking place in that city. Even passing by the barracks and training yard where much of the usual crowd was gone off to war, there were near half as many people as lived in Enival.

Sir Byned was notably silent as they rode down the wide cobbled streets that wound up the hill towards the fortress. The old knights mouth dropped open in shock when they passed a statue of Werach’s founder, Torsall Navri, made of solid gold with diamonds for eyes. The many sights and scenes impressed even Dorad, who had been to Werach before.

Arrick Laistan, however, rode quickly down the road, ignoring the passing scenery. It amazed Dorad how even a resident of Werach could take these things for granted, but the king’s messenger succeeded in doing just that.

Distracted by the city around him, Dorad hardly noticed when they arrived at the wall to the fortress. Arrick Laistan shared a brief discussion with a guard, clad in full plate armor and scorching in the sun, on the wall, before gaining admission to the fort. Sir Errin had to tap on Dorad’s shoulder to get him moving again, he was so distracted.

The Castle Werach was no less impressive than the city outside of it, to Dorad’s eyes, anyway. A large, silver fountain rested in the center of the main courtyard, leaping fish pouring fresh, clean water from their lips. Steel rang upon steel as the elite soldiers of the king’s personal guard trained furiously in the yard, their heavy steel armor clattering and clanking with every landed hit.

Dorad hardly noticed these things, however, as his eyes were drawn only to the palace itself. Its walls rose so high as the almost blot out the sun, perfectly white and seamless. It seemed to be cut straight out of a mountain, all of one stone. Massive oaken doors reinforced with cold steel stood guard at the entrance, so huge that Dorad could hardly believe that they would move.

“Beautiful, no?” came Arrick Laistan’s arrogant voice beside him.

Dorad jumped in his saddle. He had not seen the fat man approaching, and he was not particularly excited to be sharing his company. “Certainly,” Dorad stated in an attempt to end the conversation before it began.

“Yes, the House Navri has spared no expense making their seat beautiful over the years, even before they came into power.” He had a look of admiration in his eyes, like he would have done the same if he were able. “Unfortunately, my lord, it seems we must part. His Grace has sent men to show you to your quarters, and I must go back into my regular duties.”

A young, homely lass walked up to Dorad’s palfrey and knelt to Dorad. “My lord,” she said.

“Rise, lass, and show me and my men to our rooms,” Dorad said, eager to be away from the king’s fat messenger.

Arrick Laistan smiled. “Fare you well in Werach, my lord Erilion. I do so hope that we meet again during your stay, as I think we’ve become good friends on our little trip.” With that, the fat man pushed his struggling horse back into motion.

More servants arrived to lead their horses back to the stable, so Dorad and his men dismounted. “If my lord would follow me,” the servant girl said quietly and started scurrying across the courtyard.

She led them around through gardens and past pools, eventually stopping at the foot of a tall tower. The single tower was higher than any of the buildings in Enival, and would easily house four or five times the men Dorad had, but with much of the city in the army and off to war, there was plenty of room in the fortress.

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