mirror mirror on the wall who's the dumbest of them all ( I hope it isn't me)

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Do you ever just know you messed up, just slip up and say something, then your action triggers something else. I have did something like that today, so I like a guy, a lot he's actually very caring and nice he has very big eyes and hair that glides over his left eye, then curls down. So I thought I could talk to him today(I honestly couldn't). I literally walked up to him right before school started and just smiled at him like some psychopath, then handed him a valentine, I kinda just looked in awe, because he actually blushed, and looked away he was actually really happy he then said "Aw that's so sweet happy Valentine's day." Back to me, I just said your welcome then my friend coughed, indicating for me to leave so it wouldn't get awkward. I'm honestly pretty happy, I used to literally walk in circles around him at school just dying for him to know I exist, I waved and walked away I was honestly so happy, the bell rang, then I was off to homeroom. A couple of hours passed, then lunch. I had passed him again I know exactly where he hangs out at lunch, conveniently next to the blossoms in the garden, it's nice. I walked with my friends then I looked at him he seen me and automatically looked down. I wondered was it the Valentine did he not like it or me? I didn't say anything nervousness, overcame, I was then pushed to say hello by a friend. " C'mon say hi, tell him you like him" not that easy for me at least. I said a hi, he looked up again I think I smiled wasn't on purpose though, just kinda happened. He looked up and said hey, he then put his hood up and looked down, a kid next to him said " He, he likes you" it was yelled, then him saying no I don't was added, I walked away before anything else.

Mirror mirror on the wall, am I really the dumbest of them all?

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