chapter10 the wedding

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Julia's POV
I'm so stressed because today its the day the day I will be Kim's Taehyung's wife I'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with him I'm wearing a white dress with white heels my hair curled

Taehyung's POV
"Hyung I'm scared what if she will leave me at the alter" don't worry Taehyung everything will be alright she will not leave you just don't be stressed or scared

5minutes later
I'm waiting for Julia at the altar when I heard the music and saw her walking down the aisel with her dad then when she stood in front of me I was so happy to be her husband

Priest POV
So Kim taehyung do you take Julia to be your and only wife and be with her for the rest of your life with her
"I do" do you Julia take Kim Taehyung to be tour husband"I do"so you may kissed the bride"

Authors POV
Taehyung kissed Julia passionately everyone cheered and clap then Taehyung lifted up Julia bride type and took her out of the church after the party they ran home to get change and to the airport because they were going on the honeymoon to USA

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