Chapter 2: Difference Between What You Need And Want

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I stay frozen on the floor surrounded by the graves of strangers. It was the morning now, and out of the corner of my eye, i saw the rising sun. I didn't move, i didn't want to move. I felt destroyed. I saved my little sister, i should feel like a hero, but i didn't. Why? Deep down inside, i knew why. I still wanted to live my life, patch up some things first. Meet a boy, fall in love, get married, have kids and grow old together. It made me sad that i wasn't able to do that.

As i came up from my reverie, i saw a shadow standing behind me. I turned around to find a boy. I stood up to look at him. He was the most beautiful person i had ever seen. He had dark blonde hair, and the bright blue eyes that i would always imagine he would have. He was moderately tall, well a little taller than me. He was literally the perfect guy.

"Hello...?" I spoke straight at him and he ignored me. "Hello...?" I asked again. He was starting to highly frustrate me. I pushed him with all of my strength, and watched my hands go straight through him. He shuddered. I felt my heart crush into tiny fragments. He was alive, and i was dead. I turned around to look at the grave he was staring at.

                                                        Mary Collins


                                                 Mother to Thomas,

                                                 Husband to Tyler.

                         If tears could build a bridge, then i would create a

                            stairway to Heaven to see your smile again.

He'd lost his Mum. I turned around to look at his beautiful face and he was gone. All i saw was his retreating back as he headed for the tall, black gates. Should i follow him, or should i not? Should i go back to find my family, or should i stay? Hmm..... Lightbulb! I'll follow him and find out where he lives, go back to my family and then come back for him later. Perfect.


I've been following him for a while now, and i have made some key observations already. He walks fast, head down, and hood up, it's almost as if he's trying to hide who he is. Why would he want to close himself from the rest of the world? Another thing i have noticed is where we are heading to. This is the other side of town. The dark side of town. Nobody ever comes down here unless they live here because it is a place that no one would want to be. I instantly felt sympathy for him.

His pace started to slow down so i assumed we must be somewhere close to his house. He walked across the lawn but i stayed there as i watched him enter, shutting the door behind him. I stayed there looking at the house. The walls were white, well used to be anyways. The grass was uncut and loose. There were many broken bottles littering the window sill and the front step. Everything about this place just screamed DANGER! I honestly didn't know what it was the made me want to go inside to see how bad it was, but i also didn't want to, because probably won't like what i'll find. Nevertheless, i subconciously found my feet moving in the direction of the door.

As i got closer and closer and closer i slowly reached out to turn the door knob before remembering that my hand would just go straight through. I laughed nervously and took in a slow, deep breath, bracing myself for the sight i'm about to see. I took a step through the door and saw him on the floor with a bloodied face and bruised body with a drunk angry man hitting him. I looked around the room and saw drunk bodies laughing at him. I don't know why but this made my blood boil. My vision went blurry from the anger and i saw red. I knew it would do no good but i ran up to the drunk dude and pushed him as hard as i could. 

I stepped back in utter shock as i saw him fly half way across the room. I began hyperventilating as i looked back down to my hands. I never thought i could do that. The drunk man stood up and backed himself against the wall, his eyes wide from the shock of what just happened. The rest of the guys stood up and began to run in fear, some stumbling over as they ran. I couldn't help but laugh at them. It made me happy that the drunk dude soon followed suit and ran too, but what sickened me the most was what he shouted over his shoulder.

"I get you back for that Thomas, and next time i'll make you suffer!" This made me go pale. He was now going to get beaten worse because i got angry and intervened. But i need to help him. I can't just leave him here.

What am i going to do now?

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