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From @aurumgangster eonnie :V

1. What is your nickname? From your friend? Your family?
= Ita (My real name is Anita tho :V)

2. Where do you live?
= In Indonesia:V

3. If you have a week holiday, what country do you want to visit? Why?
= Korea. To meet my future husband ofc :V

4. What is your favorite book/film?
= Percy Jackson (series)

5. Give me your ultimate bias!
= Boy- Taehyung <3, Girl- Yein :*

6. How many times you change your bias list?
= Probably more than 5 lol :V

7. How many times you get punished by your teacher?
= 3/4? Nah I don't count it :V

8. In the future, what country do you want to visit?
= London :*

9. Do you wanna marry your bias? If yes, with who?
= With my bae, Kim Taehyung :*

10. "I broke up with my boyfriend and I become his enemy now". Yes or no?
= I even don't have any boyfriend :V

11. Do you prefer romance/horror?
= Horror is bae <3

12. If you having your first date, what outfit will you wear?
= Sweaters, shorts, sneakers, and beanie probably :V

13. Do you want me (AurumGangster) to make another book?
= Yes. And I want a SugAe one :V

10 facts about JeonginLovers (Me):

1. I'm Indonesian :V
2. I'm a 2004 liner. Already turning into twelve this fifth January.
3. I'm a sleepy head in my school
4. Lazy girl
5. Half smart half dumb is me :V
6. I am Jeongin trash (proud :V)
7. Surely I'm a girl :V
8. Doesn't like to be called authornim/author/thor :V I prefer my name Ita :V
9. My worst nightmare is Math '3'
10. I'm clumsy tho :3

Question for the tagged one:

1. What age are you?
2. What is your favorite nickname?
3. Do you have any group/gangs in your school?
4. What country that you want to go?
5. Tell me your skill! XD
6. Where do you live?
7. Your last name?
8. What is your Korean name?
9. Girl or a boy?
10. In BTS, you ship who?
11. Tell me your ultimate bias!
12. What kind of personality are you?
13. Do you hate your teachers?

(Sorry for the lame question, tho :V)

The tagged one:











Have fun, guys? :D

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