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Hello everyone! I'm your favorite host, Cato!! In this writing challenge I will be a host and a judge. Here are the rules for the challenge;
Rule #1: no stealing ideas.
You are probably gonna have the same idea as someone but yeah, you can't read it and it will be obvious that you stole it. You can take a TINY detail. Here is an example of stealing:
Person #1: "oh no!" Said katniss "principal snow is gonna make us wear uniforms!"

So then if person #2 read it and then writes this:
"Ugh!" Screamed katniss "principal snow is making us wear uniforms!"

I count that as cheating.

Rule #2: you can have some *** scenes but PLEASE DONT GET INTO DETAIL!

Rule #3: try not to make a main character die(you are probs not gonna do that but just making sure!) but you make make a secondary character die.

That's all the rules for now, but here's the requirements. 😏
-they have to be in collage
-someone has to get pregnant😏
-there cannot be glato in it, at all!!
-someone has to get in a car accident(read rule #3)
-and there has to be two main character girls fighting over one main character boy(or the other way around
-and it has to have hunger games characters in it as the main characters.

Ok and comment SUSHI if you want to be a judge, I will allow 3 people to judge with me, and OREO if you want to be a write. I will allow 5 people.

Ok!! Let's start!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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