Chapter 5: The Escape

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I didn't care about anything now except getting my family out of the house. I sprint quietly over to the kitchen drawer with the knives. I pull out a large steak knife and first, run to my room. The intruder walks into the kitchen, where I was about ten seconds ago, first. I can hear him taking things, the sound of china plates clattering. I grab my phone with a smashed screen and call my Dad first. I can tell he was deeply asleep because it took a few rings before he answered. Hopefully his phone is on vibrate so the robber wouldn't have heard it go off as easily. I quickly and quietly explain what's going on and that he needs to get Arryana out of the house. He hangs up and hopefully is acting like a ninja the whole way to Arryana's room. I call Terrance next and tell him everything. He picked up on the second ring so he was probably awake playing video games. I tell him everything, too. I tell him he needs to get Jake and Kate. Then, I call the police. I dial, "9-1-1." That's when I heard the intruder. I can hear him open the fridge, multiple items smacking the floor. I hope he slips on the milk I heard fall to the tile floor. That would buy me some time. And that's when he did slip. But, instead of milk, I peek into the kitchen to see it's orange juice. Good. Sticky will hold him back longer. I slide along the wall to Laura's room. As i'm working my way to Laura's doorway, I hear a voice. The police. They're still on the phone. I see the intruder look my way, and i'm thanking God that I was able to hide behind a collumn in that hallway. I whisper into the phone. I say, "help," and it sounded quite ominous. I hung up, knowing the police will trace my call, and discover my location. I reach the doorway and slip inside Laura's room. I grab her out of bed, set the steak knife down, and cover her mouth so the robber won't hear her scream. I hear her yelling and shouting, but it's muffled, due to my hand in the way. She realizes it's me and settles down and I motion my finger in front of my lips to signal she needs to be quiet. I grab her hand softly and we slide the window in her bedroom open. And I heard someone walking in the direction of my bedroom. We must hurry. I guide her along the window frame, thinking how lucky we are her bedroom is on the first floor. She plants her feet on the grass in the dark night and then holds my hand while I climb out into the night. We close the window and run to the front of the house. I see my brother Terrance, Jake, and Kate. Where is Dad and Arryana? I hear a loud, piercing shriek from a seven-year old.

Four police cars pull into our driveway and all police officers jump out of their cars with pistols in the hands. The paramedics pull into the driveway right after and three men run to Terrance, Jake, Kate, Laura, and I. They practically drag us to the van they rode here.

All but two of the police officers run into the house, running straight through the shattered glass door. A few seconds later, I hear three gunshots. I'm sitting in the back of the paramedics van, freaking out, worrying about my Dad and sister. What has happened to them?


Intense, am I right? What HAS happened to Emma's Dad and Arryana? Uh oh! I'll try to update soon! :)

My Siblings and ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon