Train Ride Part 3- Medala Wren

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I decide to go talk to Ebony. I know I won't be sleeping anyways, so I head out of my room and knock softly on the door I believe leads to Ebonys room. Surprisingly a male voice says, "Come in." I shrug and head in anyway.

"GET THE HELL OUT MY ROOM RANDOM GIRL!" He screams at me. I guess I walked into Serinitys (Ebonys brother) room instead.

"Sorry, I must have gotten lost looking for your sister." I say quietly, staring into his cruel brown eyes.

He makes a groaning sound. "Why does anyone like that little bitch?! All she is is useless and annoying! If you want a better ally, I'm RIGHT here! Now get out!" he yells. But I don't move a muscle.

"What if I don't freaking want you as an ally? What if I want Ebony instead?" I challenge. He stamps his foot and crosses his arms like a four year old whose parents won't let him get candy. "Your loss!" he screams, "Anyone who hangs around my sister, will end up a bloodbath tribute just as she will be. Now GET LOST!" He shoves me out and slams the door. I turn to see Ebony walking away.

"Ebony wait up!" She turns around and instantly, I can tell she was crying. "You were listening weren't you? Your brothers very cruel by the way." I tell her. She smiles.

"I've actually been looking for you. I need to tell you something." I say.

"Me too. Can I go first?" Ebony asks. I nod and we head to her room, a more private place for conversation. When we get there, she takes a breath and says, "Tell me about the pin." She gestures to my chest where the pin is secured.

I sigh and begin my story. This isn't just the pin story it's almost my mothers life story. I begin.

"When my mother was 16 years old living in district 12 as the mayors daughter, her best friend named Parsnip or something like that volunteered for er sister to go into the games. My mother went to say goodbye to her and gave her a mockingjay pin like this one." I take another breath an see Ebonys eyes listening intently. "Well, my mother hasn't told me the entire story, but her best friend actually won the games and the quarter quell with her now husband Peter or somethin. When district 12 was bombed, my mothers family died and even her best friend thought she was dead. She fled to district 13, met my father, got married, had me, now I have been reaped and she gave another person she loves away to the Capitol with a mockingjay pin." With that, the vacant look leaves my eyes and they fill with tears. I bury my head in my hands and Ebony talks to me comfortingly. I semi-collect myself and ask her about her necklace.

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