Chapter 1

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    Panda's Pov.
I woke up, still remembering the crazy dream from last night as I went downstairs. It looked at the TV, which was flipped to the news. They were yammering on about how "the end of the world" is supposed to happen in a few hours. If someone didn't know about the news, they must be living under a rock. I sigh, leaving the house and walk over to school. I guess I should use this time to tell you a little bit about myself.
So, my names Panda ( nice to meet you ) and I... I hate everything... Well, almost everything. I enjoy drawing, being funny, music, playing metal songs on my guitar and bass, singing, and stuff like that. I'm not as smart as most, and that's pretty much because I prefer to draw and think about stupid things that take place in a little world in my mind. I don't know why I do this, but I love it.
I'm almost at the school, and of course, when I walk in, I see my two bro's. Not like my actual brothers, but they act like they are my siblings. You're probably thinking, "aww. These three must be so nice with each other to be called bro's!". I'll say this now: we HATE each other. We are friends, though. I don't know how exactly, but hey, who am I to question this kind of stuff when I'm a girl who loves My Chemical Romance and ACDC and happens to be friends with a Blonde Justin Beiber fan? Yeah, I'm not a fan of JB's. Anyways, my two friends names are Percy and Vincent. I run up behind the two, attempting to scare them, but Vincent decides to look behind him and see me.
"Too loud, Panda. Your going to have to be able to walk quieter than that!" He laughs. I look at him, and I could feel the little lightbulb shine above my head. "Dang it... Oh well, baby STEPS, am I right?" I manage to get the sentence out of my mouth, but not without me giggling a bit first. Percy turns around and looks at me with a disappointed face, while Vincent runs over and kicks me in the leg. Hard. I don't really mind, though. Percy looks at me, and proceeds to mutter, "your puns are awful...". I set down my backpack, and pulled out a peace of paper with a pun on it. I smirked and chuckled out, "they're not just awful, they're TEARable!" I then ripped the paper in half, causing both Percy and Vincent to walk away. Mission accomplished. I walk to my classroom, get through that, and repeated this until lunch. I head over to the library, and hop onto one of the many free computers. There was the usual group of sixth graders, playing Five Nights At Freddy's and monkey tower defense. I sit in a seat where the librarian can't see what is on my screen and I log onto tumblr. I expected some crap about how the world was ending in one hour, but instead I got the usual posts of that anime everyone is talking about, Dr. who, funny text post, and Eddsworld. This was kinda strange and weird, considering that everyone would be dead in an hour. I logged off and left the library. I was heading back the usual way when I saw a girl I knew and a posse of white girls. Just the thought of them made me shudder in disgust. The entire group, sat down by the stairs and the leader of the herd of ferocious blondes started teasing the dirty-blonde haired girl. I walked up to the girl and started up a conversation with her, mostly because I was getting sick of the other girl teasing her. The blonde suddenly spat out, "what do YOU think you're doing? Get out of here, you ugly loser!". I looked at her and calmly replied, with a hint of hostility in my voice, "did anyone ever tell you that your face looked like a million dollars?". I smirked when her eyes lit up with surprise. "Yup. It does. Ya' know, all green and wrinkly." I continued. I watched as her smile dropped and her face went from suprised-happy to offended and angry faster than an an auctioneer saying my name. She got up and walked up to me. I knew what she was doing. I smiled like Donald trump when he's makin' a racist remark and I took the slap across the face like a champ. "See, I'd slap ya' back, but that would be animal abuse. Fortunately, the Sunahirē ga'ū isn't an endangered species. So I wouldn't get charged as much." I smoothly implied. Thank god she doesn't know the language I was insulting her with. Or what I said in the language. All she knows is that I called her an animal. Good.

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