Chapter Five

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     "I've got this guy in the bag," Carter says confidently.
     "Be careful! He looks scary!" I shoot back. Carter and I are outside the shop trying to reel in customers. Carter gives me a don't worry look and I stand back and chew on my nails.
     "Hey sir! Why don't you come on inside and try our flavor of the day?!" Carter says with buckets of enthusiasm.
     "Fuck off," the guy mutters as he continues on walking.
     "Well, that went well," I say, giggling like a little girl.
"Now I'll try. Give me a person to attempt on," I say, scanning the crowd.
"Hmmm. That guy right there," Carter says, gesturing at a scrawny tween boy who couldn't be older than twelve. He's got thick glasses and his bony finger up his nose.
"Piece of cake," I mutter, and skip over to him.
"Hi! What's your name cutie?" I ask, smiling at the kid.
"Eugene," he replies, then pushes up his glasses further.
"That's.... um quite the name," I somehow manage to say. "Are you hungry?"
"Well actually, I'm feeling totally stuffed at the moment. But, if you want, some other time you and I could go get a bite to eat. But don't worry, I'll go home and ask my mom if it's okay to come by for desert before your shift is over," Eugene says, then winks. He tops off his answer with a distinct grab of my ass, and scurries away.
I turn around to face Carter and he's literally fallen on the sidewalk laughing. My face is no doubt redder than a fire truck. "It's not that funny."
"Are you kidding?!" Carter says between laughs. "That made my day, no wait, my year! Maybe even my life!"
"It's seriously not funny so fuck off," I say quoting the first guy. I can't keep the smile off my face as I'm pretending to be mad.
"Hey, we're laughing at you not me," Carter says. He stands up suddenly, and we're face to face. Carter is no longer laughing and I'm no longer smiling. I look up into his eyes and he looks down straight into mine. My heartbeat quickens and I suddenly can't remember how to breathe. He brushes a stray piece of hair off my cheek and smiles.
"C'mon April. We better get back inside the shop before your boyfriend comes back for that promised desert," Carter says with a wink. He turns around and enters the shop but I'm still standing outside. My hands touch the place that Carter's fingers brushed my cheek and I can still feel the warmth of his fingers. The moment must have only lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever. My happiness is at an all time high as I slowly make my way back inside.

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