Hospital and Explaning

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Kaykay's P.O.V.

Fireman: WE NEED A DOCTOR !!!!

Doctor: What happen ?

Me: My sister was trying to save a friend and when she was going to get out she got burn leg and arm .

Doctor: Is your friend okay ?

Me: Yes she fine .

Doctor: Okay but you have to go to the waiting area .

Me: Okay.

Dana's P.O.V.

Everybody: NO KAYKAY!!!!

Kaykay: NO BAY!!!!

What Bay ? A few min latter we saw

Char and Kaykay run out and Kaykay fell on the floor .

Kaykay: Bay, Char you guys okay ?

Char: Yeah I'm fine but Bay got burn .

Kaykay: Bay you are going to be okay .

Fireman: What happen ?

Kaykay: We were trying to see if are friends can see the diffrtens between us and are friend Cam and Char went to the bathroom we heard screams and we ran and my twin sister Bay ran to get Char and she got burn .

Fireman: We need to take you to the hospital .

Bay: Can my sister come .

Fireman: Yes now lets go. The fireman picked her and took her to the firetruck .

Me: Whats going on ? I ask the girls . Jaira: I think we need to go to the hospital Cole can you drive us .

Cole: yeah lets go . We ran to the car and Cole speed to the hospital . We saw Kaykay and ran to her .

Tamara: Is she okay .

Kaykay: I-I don't know they h-haven't tell m-me a-a-anything . Kaykay start to cry I never seen her cry . Then all the the flavahz start to cry .

Will: She's going to be okay Kaykay.

Kaykay: Bu-t-t wh-h-a-at if she not .

Will: I know I don't know her that well like you and the flavahz do but I think she is a strong girl .

Kaykay: You realy think so?

Will: I know so .

Doctor: Anybody family with Bay harris? We all stand up.

Kaykay: I'm her twin sister how is she going to be okay ?

Doctor: She is going to we put a band-aid around where she got burn .

Jaira: When will she be abel to go hone with us .

Doctor: Well is anyone of you 18 or older can come and sighn of she can leave.

Gabe: I will go .

Kaykay: Thanks Gabe .

Doctor: You guys can go see her she in room 12.

Angel: Thank you .

Bay's P.O.V.

Doctor: I'm just going to put some cream that will make the burn heal and a band-aid around it .

Me: Thank you , when I am be abel to go back home with my sister anf her crew .

Doctor: Today we just nees one of your friend to sighn some paper and you can leave .

Me: Thank you

Doctor: No probelm . He left a few min latter I heard foot steps comeing . They were at the door Kaykay was the first to come in .

Kaykay: Bay !

Me: Kaykay ! She ran to me and we start to cry.

Me: Where Char char ?

Kaykay: Shes outside with the girls Im5 and To be one and Niick mara.

Me: Tell them to come in .

Kaykay: Guys you can come in now .

Char: Bay thank you so much .

Me: I love you girl so much your like 7 more sisters.

Cole: Kaykay you never told us that you have twin sister .

Kaykay: Its because she dose not want be chased by fans or the papz.

Me: So every time we will go out I would wear a snapback and a hood so nobody know that she has a twin. Mikey: Who nows about you .

Me: Just are family and the flavahz family,Matt hunter and Justin bieber .

Jason: how dose the Matt Hunter and the Justin Bieber now you not mean way but how .

Me: Oh well Matt is my bestfriend and Justin I meet him on the plane when my hood was off and he gave me his number .

Louis: Aawww lucky.

Dana: So why would you come out happy then mad .

Kaykay: Oh we want to see if you will fall for the trick .

Nick: Well we did .

Gabe: Well we can take you home now Bay .

Me: Can someone help me get out of my bed.

Dana: I wll give you a ride get on my back .

Me: Thanks Dana .

Dana: Do you wear this kinds clothea or is it just for the trick ?

Me: I wear this kind of clothes .

Dana: Wait so was I talk this morning you or Kaykay?

Me: Me.

My phone start to ring it was Justin .


Me Hey Bieber

Justin: Hey Nerd .

Me: So why did you call ?

Justin: So I can't call my nerd .

Me: Nope but realy why did you call?

Justin: I just called to see if you were okay from the fire .

Me: How do you know that ?

Justin: Its all over the news and it said that you went to the hospital.


Justin: Well I don't know hey well I got to go bye Bay I hope you feel beter.

Me: Thanks Justin bye .


We were in the car .

Tamara: What happen on the phone call ?

Me: Justin called me and said the fire was all over the news and that I went to hospital.

Jason: Don't worry I bet it will be over by tomarrow.

Me: I hope so .

Jaira: What do you guys want to do when we get back to the hotel ?

Mikey and Cole: We can play truth or dare .

Everybody: Sure !

Kaykay's Twin Sister ( Dana Vaughns Ls )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora