The story part 4

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(Creators note: sorry about the confusion last part, it didn't cut off I just wanted to leave it as a cliff hanger type thing, i apologize for the confusion and to make it up to you I am going to make this an extra long part so get reading ❤️)

"What the hell is wrong with you, why are keeping me in this place" said egg urie
"I'm only doing this for your own good" explained Pepe.
"Wait...wha-....what did you do to Eva egg?"
"Don't worry egg urie she is fine, you will probably see her again.......maybe"
"Why are you holding her hostage? What did she do" egg urie said in a tragic voice
"Do you know what Frank the egg your lover has been doing?" Pepe egg said teasingly.
"Yes, he is not aware that I am aware of his affairs" said Egg urie
"But....but you still are in love with such a cheater like Frank the egg?"
Asked Pepe egg in a excruciating voice!
"Yes, no matter what Frank the egg does I will always love him and forgive him for his sins" explained egg urie
"How c-could you! You sick fool!"
Said Pepe
"Love is love in the end, and in love we forgive each other even if it's as horrible as sleeping around"
Inspiringly egg urie said
"You are a sick fool to thing such things! I might haft to kill you now so Frank the egg won't haft to deal with you!" Said Pepe egg
"Why would you kill me! I thought you wanted me alive?" Said egg urie in a horrific voice
"Because this is what I've always wanted to do, I've always wanted to kill you."
Explained Pepe egg,
"Why, why have you always wanted to kill me?" Asked egg urie
"Because, I have always loved Frank the egg, and I'm tired of him always talking and boasting about you, so the only way I can have Frank the egg all to my self is to.....well, kill his only love....which just so happens to be you!" Said Pepe egg
"You evil egg meme you! Why would you do this! How could you do this! I can't believe your going to take away my love just so you can have it! Why do you haft to kill me! Just send me away to another meme land! I will find somewhere else to live!" Said egg urie trying to convince Pepe egg he needs to live
"I can't risk you making contact with Frank the egg! So I must kill you!" Said Pepe egg.
"PEASANTS I NEED YOU!" Yelled Pepe egg
*josh dun and Harry styles of the illuminati walk in*
"Wa......wait......stap! Stap!"
Yells egg urie as Harry and josh drag him into the drunk of a car.


"Ok we are here" says josh dun
"Take em' out then"

"Where-what wait! Why are we in a swamp" asks egg urie
"We are going to kill you in this swamp far away from everyone!" Says Harry styles
"WHAT!!!!???" Screams egg urie

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP!" Yells Fiona the egg (Shreks wife) ( )


*harry styles takes the gun and is about to shoot egg urie until Fiona jumps in front of it and takes the bullet instead*
*egg urie runs away into the swamp woods*

The end
Find out what happens next time,
Will they find egg urie
Or will they find that he went back to his meme home town that's in the dark
(Ok so I also got a suggestion by one of my friends who reads my fanfics and she said to do #spon so if you want to chat then follow my social media if you want)
Instagram: amazinglizzyisnotonfire_
Twitter: Lizzygotstyle
Tumblr: lizzysims3and4
(My tumblr is really old so when I got it, it was meant to be a blog lol excuse that)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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