Lily's Surprise

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  • Dedicated to Iman Fatima

Who means the world to me, Love you <3


"You are dating SCORPOIUS MALFOY?' Lily yelled at her fifteen year old cousin.

'No, We are just friends.' Rose said

"I saw you two kissing in the corridor, I think he has more than friendship on his mind!'

Rose stopped and turned around to face Lily, Her hands on her hips. Partly she was glad that the corridor was deserted.

'Look so what if I am, its none of your business,' she snapped

Lily turned red as her hair with anger, 'Not my business? NOT MY BUSINESS! IT'S BLOODY WELL MY BUSINESS! I am your cousin wait till Hugo finds out wait till Uncle Ron finds about this, He'll have kittens, Do you even care about that?'

Rose had no answer to this.

'Look,' she said calmly, 'I love Scorpius, I'll handle dad and Hugo is no problem.'

'You LOVE HIM? Bloody hell Rose you just met him and there's no way Uncle Ron would approve you know that better than I do!'

'We've been waiting for a year,' Rose told her, 'I ll fix dad'

'Fix him? FIX HIM! You know what I don't care what you do but remember Rose you'll regret this, you are dating Malfoy even though my brother fancies you-'

She stopped dead. What did she just say! Al was going to kill her!

'Brother? Al he-he fancies me?' Rose asked uncertainly.

'Oh look at the time! I have to go and finfish my herbology homework, see you,' Lily babbled as she walked away as fast as she could ignore Rose's cry of 'WAIT LILY WAIT'

Reaching the seventh floor corridor she entered the portrait hole and went to her dormitory and slammed the door shut.

What on Earth had she done? AL was going top ill her! But if that helps Rose leaving Malfoy, it'll be good. But that was not going to stop Al killing her!

Rose entered the Gryffindor common room looking white. Albus Fancied her, HER? Sure she had a little crush on him when she was young but that was long ago. That wasn't going to stop her loving Scorpius, or was it? Would she stop dating her Scorpius for Albus? No, she told herself firmly, Scorpius was everything to her. But then she thought of her dada and the serious trouble she would get in if he found about her relationship.

Her dad and Uncle Harry had made up with Draco Malfoy long ago. Well at least Uncle Harry had, her dad still loathed every bit of him and he sometimes called him a two faced bastard which earned him some painful slaps from her mum. Uncle Harry tried to convince her dad that Draco was ashamed of himself but it was no use.

'Hey Rose!' said a voice from behind her and she wheeled around and smiled.

'Hey Dom,' she said to her cousin.

'What's the matter kid, tough day?' Dominique Weasley asked.

'Yup don't ask,' Rose groaned. 'I should go get some sleep.'

What no homework?' Dom grinned.

'Don't feel like it,' Rose shrugged and went upstairs to girl's dormitory leaving a very confused Dominique behind.

Lily was thinking fast. There has to be something she could do. She could tell someone. Dom? No she wouldn't take it seriously. James? No way! The only girl lily shared her problem was with Rose and her mum.

And without thinking she reached her trunk and pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote:

Dear mum (and Dad if you are reading this!)

Hope you are fine! This may be a bit surprising for you but Rose is dating Scorpius Malfoy! Problem is Uncle Ron and Al. HE fancies her! Al fancies Rose! What should I do? Rose isn't thinking mum! So much for inheriting her mother's brains!

Plus I have a date with Simone Finn of Ravenclaw! I'm so excited. You are the first person to know this. I don't ant my idiot brothers to scare Simon off!



Lily folded the parchment smiling thinking of Simon. She always had a soft spot for him! She was thrilled when he asked her out to Hogsmede after the Quidditch match.

She went downstairs, out of the common room toward the owlery and spotted the snowy owl in the top right corner.

'Hey Hedwig', she cooed 'Mind if you send this to mum? I'll see you tomorrow then!'

She stroked the white feathers after attaching the parchment to her leg. The owl nipped her finger affectionately and then spread her legs and disappeared from the view. Lily watched it go away in trepidation.

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