Valentine's Special

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Hello, I know the last part was tragic xDDDD

What I want to do for now on is if you request a character then the next part is going to be the when you meet and it'll fall into the category of the next scenario ((I don't know how to put it!!)) 

But don't worry I'm here!




You heard a knock at your door. You got up and opened it to find Shiro at your door. You didn't want to speak to him. Not after what happened earlier. Before you could close the door he held it opened and said "The girl you heard on the phone.. Was my cat.." You shook your head "Is that another lie to win me over?" You looked away, but a light pinkish white cat greeted you, it turned into a girl. You freaked out but then realized Shiro was telling the truth. You cried running into his arms as he whispered "This was also a task to see if you truly had feelings for me..", as the cat female-thing said "I smell food! Let's eat!!". You smiled agreeing to her words as Shiro walked in behind you. All three of you sat down and ate the food you prepared. 


Kuroh walked into your darkened bedroom, to see your upset sleeping body. He placed a kiss on your cheek "I see you have feelings, for someone like me.." he curled up with you, holding you close falling asleep. As you heard his words, you blushed "Of course I do!" you said sleepy like. You turned over looking at him, making out what you can in the dark. He kissed you on the lips, taken back--you kissed him back. You both fail asleep holding each other.


Yata ran from the random girl after you. He caught up to you, after you stumbled and fail. You were to upset to say a word to him, you were more choked than anything. Yata held you close saying "I hated doing what I did.. But it was a test to see if you really did love me..." he didn't let go, he allowed you to cry into his chest. Yata smiled knowing that you really loved him. 


Mikoto found you in an alley way. He hated seeing you like this. He pulled you into his chest, he wanted you to not feel the pain that you had. He closed his eyes, you looked up at him. "W-Why..?" your voice managed you to say. "Someone like you shouldn't be with a monster.. But you truly love me for me... Because you wouldn't be here in pain." He held you close. You stopped crying and held him close not wanting to let him go.


Izumo found you in an alley way, he sat beside you. He looked down, not wanting to look at you. He said "You must truly love me..." he looked at him as he finished his sentence "Of course I do!" you screamed holding on to him. He smiled holding you close. "But why?" You asked attempting to wipe away your tears but he did it for you. He said "To know you love me.. Truly." He kissed you on the lips.

Tatara (("Birthday boy"))

You saw a boy figuring out what to do to obviously pass time. You looked at him confusingly "Hey? What are you doing?" the brown eyed boy looked at you "Oh, well my king and people told me to stay away from the bar for a few hours for my Birthday." you laughed "You were born on Valentine's Day?" you smiled as he nodded. "Do you want to go back with me to meet my people and king?" you nodded and passed the time by talking about your guy's bio. 


Munakata followed you and stopped you. He then looked at you, you could tell he was beating himself up really bad. "I allowed her to cling to me, to know and understand how you feel about me. You truly do love me.." He held you close and kissed you. You kissed him back. You truly did love the Ice King. He loved you as much as you did.


Fushimi looked around yelling out your name and heard sobbing. He located the sound and found you in an alley way, tattered and torn. He sat beside you "I took your beauty and crushed it." He looked down. He examined your body. He tried to help you but you shoved him back yelling "Don't touch me!" Fushimi adjusted his glasses saying "Tsk, I went looking for you.. So I could tell you-" "You don;t love me!" you cut him off lashing out he then said "Because I wanted to know if you truly cared about me.. You do.. Other wise you'd treat me as if I was invisible" He kissed you. You kissed him back and didn't want to break away.


The end!

Happy Valentine's Day- hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day <3

Sorry it came late I had a very busy schedule but it's here! 

Thank you for all of the support, I wouldn't be doing the scenarios if it wasn't for you guys! :DDDDDDD

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