The bathing dogs girl. One Shot. Bill K.

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Bill tells.

It was 2:08 pm when I got a text message from my brother Tom, my twin, I love him, but sometimes he can be a great pain in the ass. He asked me to take his  dog Scotty to a canine aesthetic, he needed a bath and a good cut. I grabbed the dog and jumped in the car, personally, I dont trust in canine aesthetic, I've never take my dogs to any, I have seen documentaries where they say they treat them awful, but my brother trusts this one because a friend said this was a good one.

I parked in the parking lot of the aesthetics, I put the strap on Scotty and got  off of my truck. The place looked nice, but I shouldn't trust it very much

I just walked in and the first thing I saw left me open-mouthed.

It was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, her brown hair, straight and long tied in a ponytail leaving a few strands in the outline of her face, the tone of her skin was gorgeous, no, wait, it was perfect! Chocolate eyes, pink lips, leaving them red after an intense kiss. Her beautiful face drew a tender smile to me.

-Hi there! How can I help you?

-Hi..hi- Pathetic greeting, easy Bill, you can do this- my name is Bill Kaulitz.

-Nice to meet you Bill Kaulitz, I'm ______ ______ What can I help you? - She said smiling happily.

-I'm here to bring my brother's dog, he really needs a bath- Seautiful name for a beautiful girl, I thought.

-Okay, what's the name of this beautiful champion? - She said leanning downt to  Scotty, I had a mini heart attack when he jumped to her face. He jumped to her face! Scotty usually doesn't play with people he doesn't know, but he jumped her to lick her face and asking to be pet.

-¡Scotty! Down boy, don't be rude on the girl. -So embarrassing!!

-You're so sweet! - She said petting the dog- It's okay, I love animals and it's also very common for dogs to jump at me, I don't know why.- This is my chance to say something that flatter her

-They say that dogs can sense when a person is good and has good energy, so I'll trust Scotty's instincts and I'll dare to say you're a very sweet girl ... plus beautiful ...- Yes! I made her blush!

-Thank you, amm ... This ... I ... I should start taking Scotty's data to bathe him so you can come pick him up later.

And so it went, I gave her Scotty's data and handed her the dog. I told her that the dog was my brother's and I have a little boy named Pumba, but my mom was watching him. I could tell that she got a little tense and extremely red whenever I looked her in the eyes. She looked so cute getting nervous.

-And why didn't you brought your dog to a bath too?

-Because amm ... I couldn't bring the two dogs in the truck, that would be a total chaos- I couldn't tell her what I thought of the canine aesthetics, She would hate me.

-Oh, I would have love too see him, bulldogs are my favorite breed of dog although I have a poodle, I picked him up from the street, someone heartless abandoned him on the street.

-Do you pick dogs from the street like that? No matter the breed?

-Yes, for me breed makes no diference, most times, those who I pick up from the street I get them ready to give them up for adoption to families looking for a furry little friend.

-That's amazing, I can't believe the beautiful person you are.

______ finished bathing Scotty and the sad moment to say "goodbye"came. But I had to come back.
I returned the very next day in order to bathe my dog Pumba, she was fascinated when she saw him, and not to mention him, Pumba ate her face with wet kisses. My dog had better luck than me. We were just saying goodbye when I came across with the best idea I could have.

-Hey, what days are you free of work?- I asked with hope

-Mmm ... Curiously tomorrow is my day off, why? Did you wanna bring another dog? If so, I can schedule an appointment for whomever is here tomorrow.

-Don't!- I said- I'd like to know if tomorrow you would like to go out for a walk with our dogs, I mean, if you have nothing else to do, would you like to?- I said looking at everywhere but her. I was dying of shame, plus fearing I might get a resounding "no"

-Sure! That'll be nice- she said containing emotion

-Perfect, then tomorrow I'll come pick you up and...

-Capuccino. That's my dogs name.

-Okay, at 5 seems you well?

-Yeah, sure.

-All right, see you tomorrow- I couldn't belive it, tomorrow starts my plan to conquer the bathing dogs girl.

She gave me her address and I went home with my dog smelling like shampoo.

The next day I picked her and cappuccino up. You could tell that the dog belonged to a girl in charge of a canine aesthetic. It was perfectly groomed, he had a little soft shirt of a football team and a chain with dogs feet printed. She was wearing a dress  in a colored rosewood, a white blouse and a jacket over, She wore her hair down. She looked beautiful.

______ tells

Bill looked beyond hansome with its militar green pants and a black shirt, the boy had style, He had many pearcings that made him look more attractive than he already was. When I got in the car, He smiled in a sweet way, what I like about him is that he doesn't see me as other guys with lust and malice, instead, with Bill, I feel strangely protected and comfortable, I feel allright near him.

We greeted each other and then he started the car.

He took me to a very beautiful park, out of the car, like any good knight, went first and   opened the door for me, took my hand and helped me get down. Then we took the dogs down and started walking. As we talked, he told me that him and his twin brother and two other friends have a band called Tokio Hotel, I felt a little clumsy cause I haven't hear of them, but Bill knew that I had almost no free time to be in magazines and stuff.

We talked about our lives, how much we love animals, the dreams we have, etc.

We discovered that we share more than we imagine. He's very sweet and the best of it, is that he never tried to cross the line with me.

Bill tells.

After the beautiful walk with the most beautiful girl, it was time to go back home, I didn't wanna pressure her to say goodbye to me with a forced kiss on the lips, if it was meant to be,awesome, if not, then it would be just matter of time. 

-Thank you, Bill, I had a great time with you today.

-Thank you for the company, also had a great time. We should do it again. Don't you think?

-Definitely, take care. - She leaned down to me and kiss the corner of my lips. 

-You too ______

It was just the perfect start. We repeat the dates the following weeks, the next few months. Sometimes we went out without the dogs and better went to the movies. We both love horror movies.

After six months we started going out as something more than just friends. We are now a couple. She makes me too happy. And apparently, I make her happy too..

I would like to dismiss this part of my life with an "End" but I can't, my story with ______ just beggins and I hope it lasts forever. I feel that it will. The love we have is really strong. Who would say that a silly message from my brother Tom or I should say,  my silly brother Tom's message, would change my life. So this is how I found the love, this is how I felt inlove with the bathing dogs girl.
Thanks brother, I owe you one.

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