Teaser scene from year 2

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    I headed back to our table area alcove only to stop and chuckle to myself. I guess that I won the bet. I told the amazingly hot guys that I was with was that the only reason they weren't being hounded was because I was there with them. They didn't believe me and now they are paying the price. There must have been close to 20 women trying to drape themselves over, cuddle up to, or just flirt with the eight guys that I had left alone when I went to the bathroom. It was funny to watch for a minute or two, but then my possessive instincts took over. I see Josh and Jake starting to look really uncomfortable as they try to keep the women's hands away from their bodies. "That's it," I think to myself, "no one and I mean no one, but me gets to put their hands on my men and Jake and Josh are mine!"

    I quickly make my way over to the alcove to set up a rescue for my men and for any of the others who want it. As I pass by Eli on my way to Jake and Josh, I try to whisper in his ear. "If you or the others want to keep the girls hanging all over you then I would suggest that you take them to the bar in the next 5 minutes. After that I will get rid of them."

    He looks over to me, winks and nods with glee. Earlier my guys along with Shawn and Luke had been telling the other four about some of my more famous exploits in getting women to leave them alone. I knew that Eli was wanting to see me in action and I wasn't going to disappoint.

    I headed over to Josh who was sitting next to Jake on the couch seat. I had to squeeze between him and the woman who was sitting on the coffee table in front of him. As I climbed onto his lap to cuddle in, displacing the hands from the woman on the coffee table, I purposefully put my back to the second woman who was sitting on the arm of the couch trying to drape herself over him.

    Josh wrapped his one arm around my waist and looked at me with a big grin. His eyes were twinkling with mischief as he wondered what I would do. Meanwhile Jake, without looking at either Josh or myself picked up my legs and placed them over his lap. As he continued to talk with Luke, while they both tried to ignore the women trying to get their attention, he started to massage my legs.
    I wrapped my left arm around Josh's neck and used my right index finger to run up and down his chest. Leaning in to his eye I whispered, "Do you trust me?" As I bit down on his earlobe.

    He quickly inhaled. He turned his lips to my ear and whispered back, "with my life" and then he bit down knowing that he would get the same response from me.

    The woman, sitting on the arm of the couch realized that she wasn't going to get anywhere with Josh. She stood up and walked over towards Eli and his teammates.

    I decided to let my outfit inspire me for this escapade. I was dressed in a red leather corset that had been placed over an off-the-shoulder long dress with a slit up to my upper thigh that showed off all my assets perfectly. The dress was the exact same colour of red as the corset. If it didn't have the leather corset you would have expected to see this dress on a Grecian goddess. It was the perfect blend of sexiness and femininity especially when paired with gladiator style ribbon lace up stilettos in a matching red. This dress was not out of place for the private club that we were in.

    Channelling my inner dominatrix, I continued to play with Josh's chest knowing that I was turning him on. In a demanding yet sweet voice I said, "I think that it is time to start adding to my harem. I need you to go to the bar and get me a drink since I will be very thirsty once I finish their trials."

    We hear the woman sitting on the coffee table mutter "What a bitch" under her breath. Josh and Jake visibly tighten all their muscles in response to the slur against me so I quickly start to play with Josh's ear using my hand that was around his neck. I use one of my legs on Jake's lap to rub against him. This causes them both to calm down when they realize that what she said is not getting to me. I turn my head towards her and just smile as she gets up and walks over to where Eli and his friends are standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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Teaser from year 2Where stories live. Discover now