I'm A Mistake

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  • Dedicated to Meg B, An Outcast Alongside Me

No one knows I exist. Well, my eight brothers and one little sister do. Other than that, there's no such thing as me on Planet Earth, or any other planet for that matter. My parents keep me hidden. I usually sleep in a locked room opposite my mom's room. My dad doesn't live at home. Rules have been set up aroundthe house:

1. No inviting over friends without 3 days notice

2. The little one must go to his hideout the night before visitors are due to arrive

3. The little one must make sure his room shows no sign of anyone living there.

Yes, I have a 'hideout'. Really, it's just the room I have to stay in when visitorscare at our house. It's underground, and I have to say, I love it. It's way cooler than our whole house. The hideout, for me, is home. It's got a bed, food (that I stole from my family storage - it's not really stealing. I mean, I'm part of the family too!), and an archry unit. Oh yeah, and a place to create herbal remedies and things like that. Ever since my thirteenth birthday, I've lived in the hideout 24/7. That was my choice. The only other people I allow in my hideout are my two favourite brothers - Rivo and Secran. When I was five, they persuaded my mother to let me celebrate an old tradition on my birthday, even if we never had a party or presents - extra food. When I was thirteen, they gave me a name. Shocked? Yeah, I had no name. Our culture is pretty superstitious, and the two main superstitions are that it's bad luck to have no girl children, and it's bad luck to have more that nine children. I was the ninth born, and with eight older brothers, there were no girls. So my mother pretended I was stillborn, and hid me away. They had another child three years later - my baby sister, Oceana. Don't take this the wrong way, I love Oceana, I really do, but it seems unfair that she took my place. Although, I wouldn't want to get rid of her. I often wish my older brother, Hiltar, the third oldest, had never been born. He's horrid. You may have noticed my family has a tradition of names. All my siblings were given names meaning different parts of the environment. Some are obvious, and others aren't. There's Moubar, mountain, Trene, tree, Hiltar, hill, Fyrros, fire, Rocco, rock, Forrha, forest, Secran, sea, Rivo, river, and Oceana - ocean. My name is the only one to break the tradition. That's because Secran and Rivo named me. They decided I should have a name for when talking to my brothers. Secran and Rivo were beaten for it. Guess who told Mother? You guessed right if you guessed Hiltar.

I believe my name to be quite fittin, considering who I am. The seven brothers I like thought it was good too. It's a nice name as well.

I am Cashile - child of a concealed birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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