fifteen ; tomorrow

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prince m: this creepy af but hayes gave me ur address

princess: damn it

prince m: so im visiting you tomorrow

princess: really? oh mygod

prince m: yea really

princess: what if you don't like me

princess: im clingy a lot oh my god no

princess: im freaking the fuck out

prince m: stop freaking, okay?

prince m: do you have skype?

princess: yea, its kittypryde cause like my last name is hers

prince m: ooo nice

prince m: im about to call you.

Hunter couldn't stop thinking about meeting Matthew and, God, yes she wanted to meet him so bad. She wanted to hug the life out of him and kiss those pink soft lips for forever and she wanted to do it whenever. Meeting your favorite celebrity was scary; what if they didn't like you in real life? What if they don't show up? Hunter wanted Matthew to like her and she wanted him to show up, but she just couldn't keep the negative thoughts out of her mind. She already had her computer ready while she was in bed and the skype app open. Her black 'Hershey' sweatshirt was now glowing from the light along with her own face. If you could see it, Hunter had her hair down and it was messy like it always was. She had spent a good amount of time biting her nails and just waiting for the call from Matthew.

And it came with that god awful ringing noise, that she had to change, echoing in her white room. The name 'matthewd222' had been on the screen along with the buttons to accept it. Hunter wanted to so bad, but all the worries in her mind seemed to rush forward and compel her to just wait a few seconds to do it. Then, it was like all the thoughts didn't matter and she broke through her mind cause Hunter pressed the call button and waited for Matthew to show up on the screen. When he did, she couldn't stop her smile from growing at the sight of him in the Shadowhunters makeup with his hand on his chin while he watched something above him.

But when he turned to look at the screen, he had smiled too at the sight of the girl he loved smiling. It was beautiful really, Hunter had her dimples showing and eyes almost shut as her teeth almost broke through her face from how happy she looked. Matthew laughed and smiled even bigger when she laughed too. They both would say it was love at first sight, but they were already in love before.

"Hi, princess," he breathed out. His voice was as smooth as silk and made Hunter melt more than it did before. Although the nickname didn't usually bother her, she couldn't keep the giggle in her mouth from coming out at how cute it sounded.

"Hi, daddy," Hunter laughed quietly. "I can't believe I just called you that."

Matthew couldn't believe it either and immediately shushed her. The name did make him feel some way, and he did like it, but he was at work and they were currently taking an hour break. Everyone was in the room with him, but he managed to find a secluded corner. "Oh my God, Hunter, everyone's here."

"Sorry, I just-you are so pretty," she gushed. It was true, Matthew was pretty. He had pretty pink lips and pretty eyes that made him even more pretty.

Matthew laughed,"You're talking about yourself, kitten." By now, Emeraude was sitting next to him listening to the lovebirds talk with so much happiness. Matt only smiled at Emeraude.

Hunter blushed and pushed her head down to look at her fingers, "Stop it, those names make me blush." Her cheeks were rosier than roses themselves and she loved the feeling of butterflies he gave her. She could only imagine how it would be tomorrow. "You know, I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Same to you, Hunter. I know I didn't tell you this, but I love you. A lot too."

At the confession, Hunters blush grew even more and she kept her eyes with his across the screen.  The boy across from her made her forget all her anger issues that bubbled up inside and only made Hunter think about happiness and him. Just him at most times. "I love you too."

"Ooh, Matthew, is that your girlfriend?" a fake high voice came from the back. She could see an outline that looked like Dominic in a way and looked down at her hands because she wasn't his girlfriend, not even close. Hunter wished she was though.

Matthew sighed, an almost lovestruck look on his face towards Dominic who was behind him. "Yes, in fact, it is."



have a great day!

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