A Perfect Valentine

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A Perfect Valentine

Two years after Juliette's death...

Nick woke up that Sunday morning with a phone call."Hank. Be there in an hour." He rubbed his eyes and check what time is it."Just going to prepare some stuff. Okay. meet you at the coffee shop." It'ssixin the morning.

Hank called asking for some help. Today is Valentine's Day and he wants to surprise his apple of the eye Zuri. The therapist to help him to his injured leg when he came back from Kauai. Yes, she is the wesen who rejected him because she believes that a wesen and non wesen relationship won't work out. And he needs Nick to help.

After he took a shower and dressed up, he went to Trubel's room to check her. But she's still sleeping. He took a short glance at her and smiled when she snored and noticed there is saliva in her mouth.

He went to the kitchen and prepares some breakfast in bed for Trubel. A special breakfast in bed that he never did before with Juliette. They used to go outside or order some Chinese food. Now, he can't believe that he is making someBlueberry pancakes and hot chocolate for someone – special to him. He even searches the recipe to Google on how to make it. Thanks Google.

Trubel woke up eight in the morning. She stretches her arms and smells something really delicious. She saw a tray of blueberry pancakes and a hot choco beside her bed with a note.

"Good morning. Happy V. Need to go out early. Hank needs some help. Enjoy your blueberry pancakes. – N".

Her heart fluttered of what Nick did. Nobody did this in her entire life. NBSB or No Boyfriend since Birth. All she does is killing all wesen who attacking herand thinking she was crazy until she met Nick three years ago.

She stood up, gets the tray and brought it to the dining area. She's not a kind of person who eats in the bedroom. She picked up her phone and dialled his number.

"Hey. Nick. What happened to Hank? Is he alright?"She asks

"You're on speaker. Yeah he is. He needs some Valentine help?" She heard Hank saying "Hi" to her on the other line.

"Hi Hank. Oh. Valentines? Cool." She looked at the calendar and today is Valentine's Day. "By the way, thanks for the breakfast in bed. Your blueberry pancakes. It's good."Trubel not trying to express her happiness of what Nick did. "Okay. See ya."

"Got to go. See you in the afternoon." As he said bye to Trubel.

"Seems like, I get the right person to help me out to Zuri. Blueberry pancakes huh." Hank teases Nick like they are teen agers.

"It's nothing." As he drinks his coffee. He feels like he is blushing. "C'mon, let's start over... What are your plans?" Trying to get rid of the topic. He might explode and tell Hank that he is in love with Trubel after two years in pain.

"What are your plans?" He asks the same question to Nick.

"What do you mean?" Now he's confused.

"Dude, I understand if you have some plans with Trubel today. It's Okay. I think I have to do this with myself."Hank said.

"It's not what you are thinking."Nick answered.

"C'mon dude, I know you've been in love with her."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Hank is looking at him, waiting to tell him the truth. "Is this about me now?" Now he's like panicking.

A Perfect Valentine (One-shot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin