0.1 Match

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It was the beginning of the end.
Nobody was ready for this, everyone still wanted to bask in their beds for the cold.
The campus wasn't anymore the quiet place that everyone loved. Peolpe were running everywhere, from its buildings to the football field.
It started at dawn, it was six when began the choirs. I wasn't ready for this but I should.
I was running into my room like a bird in a cage. I had to get there in time to not create trouble.
As the other people in the campus I wore my grey sweater with the arms of the college and then my black leggings.
I gave a quick glance at the clock fixed on the grey wall, time passed too quickly and I couldn't be late, not today.
I snapped like a spring from my bed reaching my shoes at the bottom of it, I laced my grey vans, I taken my phone and closed behind me the door to my accommodation.
The building was almost empty, they were all ready for the beginning and everyone wore something with the arms of the college.
I smiled at that scene because rarely happened that the campus was united as one big family.
When I arrived here I didn't knew what to expect, I thought this would be a continuation of my life but instead everything appeared on the contrary.
I was happy with the life I had.
I went to the bar and ordered everything I could ordered. The wind began to haunt me and my hair so I tied them in a ponytail.
I thanked the cashier, and with the weight of all that food I began to look for an empty seat between the stands.
It was all I remembered, the division of the field to the right Yale to the left Seattle University, the voices and the stupid girl who thought they were still in high school, and the unless things of life and they claimed to have a group of cheerleaders.
I thought how they could wear those dresses so short covering with this cold, but I pushed away my thoughts quickly and I looked around me trying to find someone of my friends.
I smiled when I found one of them.
I hurried to get there because however I love food now it's only a burden.

«Hey I was thinking that you'll get here more.» He sentenced smiling at me.

«Sorry I didn't saw the time.» I sat next to him, breathing a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile my friend helped me to lighten the weight that I had, taking half of the things I had bought.

«Hey, it's not all yours.» I scolded him by giving a slap on his arm.

He made a surprised face and he massaged his arm.

«Do you hurt your best friends Greta?»

«Shut up» I giggled looking up to the sky for his childish behavior.

«Do we remain only us?» I asked looking around.

He struggled and he continued to eat his hotdog.

«I don't want him angry» I sentenced.

«There's not my fault, I do what he want and as you can see I'm here.»

«You know how much it means to him»

«Greta you can't alway worry about the others.»

«They're my friends as yours and also you should do it.» I frowned tired of the speech.

«He can't force them to watch his stupid matches, we're mature and old enough to choose what to do. Don't worry.» He blurted.

I stopped to watch him and I concentrate myself on the nachos' bowl. I knew that he was right but I can't change myself, now it was too late to change. I sighed because now I was sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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