Eyeless Jack Fan Fiction.

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* So yeah it's about 6:50 in the a.m. and I still can't sleep sooooo I decided to try and make a story despite the whole perfectionist thing. Now that I think about it i'm gonna have to update my whole about me thing since I actually posted something. But yeah I have absolutely no idea what i'm doing and i'm pretty sure this is gonna be terrible so I most likely will not be finishing it or updating it any time soon so yeah...

I'm not really sure what will happen if I don't add a disclaimer and I don't really wanna find out so...

DISCLAIMER! I do not own Eyeless Jack or any other Creepypastas. I also do not own Cryaotic or PewDiePie for they belongs to themselves.

Oh God what have I done. *face palms*


Chapter 1

I waved goodbye to my best friend Samantha as I began walking away from her house. She was still a little teary eyed from the events that had occurred earlier in the day.

-----Earlier that day-----

I woke up at 3:00 p.m.(this is normal for me due to my terrible sleeping schedule during the summer) and started my day like any other. Eating breakfast, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and all that great stuff. Once I was done I began to get dressed for the day(well, what was left of it). I put on my black Skrillex shirt and my denim skinny jeans with a few holes in them. I then brushed out and straitened my shoulder length black hair. I even added a little black and white bow just to mix things up a bit. It was now 4:00. I sat down on my bed and  immediately pulled out my laptop. I booted it up and went straight to YouTube. I began to scroll down and look to see if any of my subscribers had uploaded today. I noticed that Pewds had uploaded two videos but I wasn't in the mood to watch them at the moment.

I continued to scroll down untill I came across a video that Cryaotic uploaded labled "Live Stream Tonight". I jumped off of my bed and landed on my feet.

"Yes!!!" I shouted.

"Keep it down up there im trying to watch my favorite show!" My mom yelled.

I flung open my bedroom door and ran down the stairs to find her watching some weird soap opera.

She paused the program and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"I see sleeping beauty's finally awake." She said.

I just stared at her grinning.

"Whats got you so happy this afternoon"? She questioned.

"Todays Saturday mom." I said with excitement in my voice.

"Oh yeah." She said.

"You get to watch that boy who your so in love with tonight." She said with an evil smirk.

My face flushed red.

"I'm not in love with him!" I shouted while flailing my arms in the air.

"And I'm not watching him im listening to him!" I shouted.

She giggled.

"Oh yeah that's right I think you told me that he dosen't show his face." she said while standing up.

I watched and glared at her as she went into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out some home made sweet tea. She turned around and got a cup out of the cabinet. She set the cup down and began pouring the tea into the cup. Once she was done she looked up at me with that same evil grin on her face from before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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