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The Howell's were a long line of royalist who had ruled over the land for centuries. No one can really remember Howell not being the royal family last name.

In this land, gay marriage had been legal for fifty years. All citizens were allowed to marry who they loved, except, for the royal family. The royal family had struck rules that there must be a king and queen. Not two kings, not two queens.

Which really stinks for a Dan since his biggest secret is that he's gay. Dan has known for a while now, he never has really been into girls in that way. So unfortunately he's going to be forced to one day marry a girl he feels nothing for.


One day, eighteen year old Dan was walking through the forest to clear his mind after yet again another attempt to find a bride. He had left his crown and suit in the castle and went out in some sweat pants and a black shirt. It wasn't very formal for a prince, but it was comfortable.

The leaves of the trees covered the blinding beams of the sun so he was wasn't blinded but light was still able to shine through making it easier to see.

At one point he stumbled across a tree and decided to take a turn there. Unlucky for him, some one was turning at that tree as well. The two men looked up for a second and made quick eye contact before they bumped into each other. To make the situation even more awkward, their lips connected as they collided. They stood there for a few second, in shock that they were kissing a stranger, before jumping backwards.

"Th-that was my first kiss." Dan stutters, touching his fingers softly to his lips.

"P-prince H-H-Howell!" The black haired boy squeaks before bowing before him. "I'm so so so so very sorry your highness! I didn't mean to I-" Dan silences him with the wave of his hand.

"I don't need to hear your begging. It was a mistake I get that, I do not need a speech, I already have to hear my mum's every Christmas." Dan jokes, putting out his hand for the boy to take. The black haired boy gladly does and Dan pulls him up.

"I expected you to be more posh and elegant. I thought for sure you would punish me." The boy sighs in relief and let's go the of the prince's hand with a beat red face.

"Punish those beautiful eyes? That would be a crime itself." Dan didn't mean to flirt with him, it just ended up being what came out of his mouth.

"What is you name?" Dan asks.

"Phil, Phil Lester sir." The boy squeaks.

"Phil, such a pretty name. You can just call me Dan. It's less formal." The Prince tells Phil.

Phil smiles shyly. "Dan, okay."

"Well, as much as I love your voice I'm afraid I must get going, my family will worry with me being out for this long." Dan puts out his hand and Phil shakes it. "Tell no one you met me, I'm not allowed to leave the castle." Dan whispers to Phil before walking off. "Same time tomorrow?" He asks, turning around towards the black haired boy.

"I thought you weren't allowed to leave the castle?"

"I'm not, but if you would come back then I shall to." Dan says, smiling widely.

"It would be my honor your highness." Phil bows before him then turns around to go back home to his small little village, a spring in his step.

Dan smiles to himself as he sees the boy walk away, his heart beating faster than the speed of light at the sight of the boy.

Ever since then, they met in the same woods every day.

A/n I'm not trying to make sound like it's based off the selection series it is a original idea with some similarities to the series.

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