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*let gasp* what is this? A chapter posted early and not following my one chapter per week schedule? That's right, a new chapter. Get ready to love me.


Dan speeds down the road on his motorcycle with his back pack hanging on his shoulders. A huge smile on his face as he imagines how today is going to turn out.

Today marks there two year anniversary and Dan couldn't have been happier for what he had in store for today.

He drives up to the Lester's household and parks out front. Phil knows he's coming, just not when, which is for the better. He probably thinks that they're going on a romantic picnic or something as Phil didn't want Dan to go all out, so much for that. He hops off his bike and knocks on the Lester's door, smiling like and idiot. Phil's mum answers the door. "Dil!" He instantly shushes her and she seems taken back by his reaction.

"I don't want Phil to know I'm here yet, i have something to ask you and Steve first."


Phil saunters down the stairs with his hair drenched from his earlier shower. "Mum, have you seen the blow dryer?" He asks, walking into the kitchen. He notices three people sitting at the table and smiles when he sees one of them is Dan who is smiling brightly at him, like nothing could make him happier then looking at the boy. Dan turns back to Phil's parents and they both nod at him before he stands up and hugs Phil tightly.

"I love you so much."

"I love you to, your not dying are you?" Phil asks, suddenly worried by Dan's sudden affection and how sincere his voice is.

"No, why?"

"I've never heard you talk with so much sincerity." Dan laughs and pecks Phil's cheek.

"Dear, the blow dryer is in my room." Phil's mother speaks up.

"Thanks mum." Phil smiles and grabs Dan's hand. "Help me with my hair?" Dan laughs even harder and happily obliges as Phil leads him upstairs and into the bathroom. He leaves Dan there for a little bit while he grabs the blow dryer. When he gets it he plugs it in and sits down and plugs the straighteners into a separate outlet while Dan gets working on drying his loves hair.

When it's dry enough to be straightened he unplugs the blow dryer and picks up the straighten. Phil watches Dan's every movement as if he was a piece if art. Studying how all his focus is going into straightening Phil's hair.

"Stop looking at me like that." Dan smiles, glancing down at Phil before quickly looking back at the straightener to make sure he doesn't burn Phil's scalp.

"Why not?" Phil asks quietly, a smile evident on his face.

"Because if you do I'm going to kiss you and burn you. I like the first part but I know both of us wouldn't want the second." Phil chuckles once more but continues to stare at Dan with loving eyes despite being told not to.

"Why do you even need to straighten your hair? It's perfect as is." Dan asks as he carefully straightens the hair near Phil's ear.

"I just think it look better after it's straightened." Phil shrugs and Dan shakes his head.

"I love you but I have to disagree, you hair looks better when it's not straightened." Dan compliments.

"Same with yours."

"You got me there." Dan says with a soft chuckle.

"What is in store for us today?" Phil asks smiling widely, changing the topic completely.

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