Chapter two

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Kara's POV
*Skip School*
After the bell rang, I tried to run home as fast as I could because I didn't want to face Jacob. But, again, I get caught, and I hit the person out of defense. When I turn around, I see Ariel holding her stomach. I help her up. " Oh my god I am so sorry!" She laughed " It's Okay! Well I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house, and we could hang out with some of my friends tonight!"
I said "Sure! Anyways, I'm still kind of lonely, so I'm in."
When I get home, I see my drunk dad sitting in the kitchen, and looking at me. " Come here Kara, you have missed your beatings too" he slurred. I had to do what he said or else he would hurt my mom. My mom doesn't know that my dad comes here every now and then just to beat me. He came up to me and punched me in my face, and I fell to the ground. He picked me up and kicked me in my stomach. He also kicked me in the ribs, I feel blood trickling down my face, and he's finally finished. I hurried up to my room. I put on my outfit for tonight, cleaned myself up, and put on some makeup. I put on a white hoodie, some skinny jeans, my pair of black polka dot Converse, and a baby blue bow

 I put on a white hoodie, some skinny jeans, my pair of black polka dot Converse, and a baby blue bow

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I text Ariel
Me: Hey Ari♥️ I'm omw to your house. What's your address again?
Ariel😋😋: Ok! And it's **** Cherry Grove Ave.
Me: Ok. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I get my charger and put it in my purse. I tell my mom goodbye and I start walking. She lives about 4 blocks away. I keep on walking until I come across her house. It's a simple, 2 story house, and it's very beautiful! I ring the doorbell, and I see Ariel at the door in 4 seconds.
She lets me in the house, and I see a couple of familiar faces. I see Hunter and Brandon, Daniel, and the three faces I didn't want to see.
And Mark

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