Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
The next morning we went down to breakfast and I didn't speak or look at brandon I was so mad at him. So when we left for school I walked with Mariana and she asked what me and brandon were arguing about and I just told her that it was about wyatt and I didn't want to talk about it. She didn't ask anymore questions on it. Next thing I knew we were at school and the morning announcements were on they were holding sign ups and try outs for soccer. I played a little when I was in juvie and I enjoyed it so I think I will try out. I went and got the papers and they said that I would need these papers signed by my guardian and a physical byt doctor. I went home after school and I asked steph and Lena if they could sign these and get me a doctor. They completely agreed and set up an appointment for tomorrow. I was a little excited but nervous because I didn't know anyone.
So the next day after school steph took me to my appointment and I went in with the doctor. She gave me a physical and it was all good. Them she started to ask me questions. She asked when my last flow was and I said about a month and a half ago. Then she asked me if I had any sexual contact lately. I looked down and answerd yes. She looked at me and asked if there could be a chance that I hadn't had it yet because I was pregnant. I said no there's no way. I can't be pregnant. In my head I was freaking out what if that night I got pregnant. I couldn't be I told my self but what if I was. Just what if I was.
The doctor said ohkay you can leave now and she signed the paper to let me play sports. She handed them to me. I was shaking. She asked if I was ohkay and I walked out and steph and I left the doctors office. The whole way home I thought what if I am pregnant.

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