Act 1

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Act 1 

Scene 1 


It's been a year and a half since their union has seen the sun

But of the kind of children we still see none

What will Thebia do without an heir ?

Queen Perrie cries, why is life so unfair ?

Her husband the king is anything but content

He has no one but his wife at whom to throw his lament

Queen Perrie, Enters, with her  maid.

Queen Perrie (crying):

The king is  unhappy

He blames me for it all.


Don't worry Mistress,

I'm sure you'll bare a child sooner or later,

If you pray hard enough, Zeus will give you a star that is sure to shine brightly over Thebia.

Queen Perrie :

Oh Zeus, dear almighty God

Gift me with a small one

To whom the people will applaud

Oh the things i'd do, the lengths i'd run

All in the hope of bearing a son 

Scene 2 


Another year passes

Another year with no prince

King Zayn Enters

King Zayn:

I know the fault is not of your hands

My sweet, sweet rose

and forgive me if I blamed you 

In my anger's foul prose

Queen Perrie:

All I want is your love, my dearest lord

All I want is to know that you are mine

Just as I am your rose

King Zayn:

For my affection you need not worry,

The soul resident of my heart

But I'm afraid I must remarry

If time I shall outsmart 

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