Set in Stone.

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What would you do if all your life you were prepared to become a loving mate. You were taught to love, forgive, and do whatever your mate said to do. But unexpectedly you loose sight of what your morals and values were.

All because your own father wanted to give you away. Out of his own selfishness, because he was in debt.

But in the end we always come back, find our way back to what's right. Even if we've changed in the process. It always ends out okay.

Favourite comment:

trinkrazo - "7/10 Love the premise, she is used to pay off a debt only to have her true mate save her. The problem is, there aren't any adults in this. Our main characters act like toddlers and the secondary characters are their teen sitters. I had high hopes, OH well, just not my cup of tea. On to the next one."

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