chapter 18

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Midoriko silently looked up at the blue clear sky watching with a distant look as a bird flew by . Gazing down at the flute in her lap she smiled sadly before holding it in both her hands bringing it to her lips before blowing a peaceful melody though it . The sound of the melody traveled though the air down to the rest of the village . Those nearby stopped what they were doing and listened to her music .

"Who's playing the flute ?" Kagome asked looking up from the herbs she was studying.

"That's Midoriko." Mizuki answered with a smile gazing up at the sky .

"It's been a while since I've heard her play that song . Only those in our tribe know how to play ." Mizuki added closing her eyes as the wind blew by .

"Your tribe ? You don't miss them ?" Sango asked her turning to look at her .

"I do miss them at times but this is my home now . I'm just happy knowing their alright . I suppose it's my sister who misses them the most . She loved her home and loved all those in our tribe . I suppose the last time I heard her play that song was the last time we were with them . She was playing the song with him that night under the fullmoon 's moon light . " Mizuki said to them opening her eyes with a hidden emotion in them .

"Him ? Who's is that person ?" Inuyasha asked sitting underneath a tree with his arms crossed . Standing by the tree leaning back against the tree ,Sesshomaru stood with his arms crossed listening intensely for her reply .

"He's the man who took care of my sister since she and I were born . We had been born together and born twins but were raised separately ,different guardians taking care of us . You see our kind don't have parents to take care of us since birth , instead another one of us takes up the role in taking care of the newborns . " Mizuki explained to them all . All were surprised by her words not sure what to say .

"So you've never met your parents ?" Shippo asked her in a shy like tone , turning to him Mizuki smiled at him assuring him it was alright for him to ask .

"No, you see in a way all the women and men in our tribe the small children's parents . We only have few male of our kind so during our mating season at times few females even have to share a male . Even then we have sometimes few of out females are able to become pregnant . The birth mother carries the child and when the child is born the mother leaves the child in the care of another who can't have children and the birth mother takes the role of giving birth to the children . While those who can't raise the young ones as mothers . Sometimes we are able to met our birth mother later on in life if we take on the role of being mothers . Of course some don't wish to become mothers so they sometimes raise the young or become I suppose you can call Celestial priestesses or warriors if there men . "

"I see in your tribe you can either become a birth mother and have the children in your tribe , take the role in taking care of the child, or become sort of a priestess or warrior in your tribe
"Kagome said seeing if she had gotten it right .

"Yes that's correct, of course those who can become birth mothers are also warrior like priestesses . " Mizuki said to Kagome .

"And the man who raised Midoriko ?" Sango asked .

"It was strange when I first heard of it . You see usually the male in our tribe don't decided to raise children them taking the roles of priests and warriors . When my sister was born the man that raised her , Miu , how she likes to call him came up and decided to raise her . He loved her very much and raised her as if she were his own flesh and blood . Some of the elders had complained that he would not mate with any of the females in our tribe . But it didn't matter to him . My sister was all that matter to him . I know that when we were sent down here the two were in pain because of it . If we had stayed there I'm pretty sure that Miu and my sister probably would have ended up mating . " mizuki said glazing over to Sesshomaru from the corner of her eyes before watching him stand up straight walking away from the rest of them .

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