Chapter 1

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Phil was honest to goodness thrilled about their vacation plan. It was like taking a breath of fresh air to be able to actually plan a trip without ulterior motives for business.

It had been well received when Chris decided he wanted to visit somewhere exotic and turned to his three best friends to help make the arrangements happen. Pj had been right on board at the sound of travel and adventure and neither Dan or Phil had any qualms about spending the last of their vacation days on such a trip.

Phil sat crooked on his couch facing Dan, who was in his usual slumped pose beside him with his laptop stationed in his lap and fingers clicking at random speeds against the keys. Phil tried not to stare as he focused on his thoughts. Pj was sat somewhere on the carpet in the center of the room, spinning a small globe under his fingers as if his eyes would suddenly catch a glimpse of the perfect spot, while Chris rubbed his cotton covered toes over a wall, a lanky arm cushioning his head as he laid on his back, looking up into his phone. They had yet to decide on a proper destination, instead waiting until they could group together to come to an agreement.

He thought of the lists he made with Dan when they had contemplated various vacations. He thought of the endless hours he spent researching tourist hot spots, all the pros and cons of multiple locations. Phil could hear the others scattered around the living room in their respective spots as they pondered what sights might be nice to see. He wasn't sure he wanted to spend days traveling from one viewpoint to the next, hectically trying to soak in the famous landmarks. He remembered Jamaica. Between the things they filmed and the more business conscious side of the trip, it had been the best feeling to just play in the water and let loose with Dan.

He curled an arm around his waist, bringing his knees up closer to his chest as a small ache fluttered through him. He didn't want to place a name to the sensation as it echoed in the pit of his stomach, but the word longing flashed in the back of his mind almost mockingly.

"Have we decided on somewhere sunny, then?" Chris asked, letting the hand holding the phone drop beside him as he awkwardly tried to position his head to see the others.

Phil's hand shot up, almost faster than the sudden thought that clicked into place. He felt like an excited child who just figured out the blackboard riddle.

"Bora Bora!" The words jumped from Phil's lungs.

He heard Dan's laugh beside him before he felt the weight of the mans palm slap his hand back down. He dug his socked feet into the cushion, his toes squirming in place. He looked beside him to see Dan had stopped flicking through whatever search engine he had been browsing and was looking at him curiously, his lips settled into a quirk in obvious amusement at Phil's outburst.

"Bora Bora?" Phil licked his lips and nodded at Dan, the longer he contemplated it, the more anxious he was for the others agreement.

The idea had hit him suddenly and within milliseconds his mind had raced through the decision until he was sold on it instantly. Bora Bora. A small island, a beautiful place and held a spot next to Jamaica on top picks for a perfect honeymoon. Though they were a small package of four single men, Phil knew it would be perfect. It would make a fun yet relaxing sight to see with man made beaches and gorgeous lagoons. He could already imagine sunbathing with Dan, staring down the sunsets together and exploring the public beach, all things he remembered fondly about Jamaica. He knew PJ would love to visit and tour an extinct volcano and hoped that would win over one vote.

Fluttering his lashes he let a pout fall in place as he caught Dan's eyes and watched Dan's expression transform from confusion to contemplation. A distracting noise drifted his plea filled expression to the others. He felt relief to see PJ smiling in what Phil hoped was enthusiasm as he spun the globe around to locate the island. The noise came from farther away and Phil spotted Chris spread out on the carpet, head tilted back staring at the wall. The fluctuations in Chris's voice made it difficult for Phil to make out the repetitious sounds filling the room.

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