Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapter was done by Youtubeismydayjob on tumblr :)

Dan was already missing Phil before he’s fully out the door. It was to be expected really. For the last four years or more they had spent nearly every day together. 

Whether it be though work, making YouTube video’s, living together or just generally hanging out with each other. Dan never gets bored. Maybe it's because he’s the type of person who likes routine or he needs some type of familiarity, something constant in his life. Although he’s pretty sure it’s because he’s with Phil. 

What ever the reason, Dan acutely feels the loss of Phil even before he’s fully awake.

It’s not like Dan even needs Phil by his side every hour of the day. They're just friends, best friends. Best friends who just spend a large amount of their time together.

He goes about his day like he normally would, and even though he’s missing Phil, he’s finding it rather peaceful to do what he wants without anyone there to judge him. 

Not that Phil ever does. Thats one of the things he likes most about Phil, he never judges Dan or gets tired of him having an existential crisis every other week. He’s the only person who’s seen every part of him and still stays there, standing in the aftermath.

Dan groans as he sits up in Phil’s bed, stretching his arms out in front of him, before stifling a yawn. It wasn’t uncommon for the two boys to share a bed.They used to do it whenever Dan would stay over at Phil’s flat in Manchester, before they decided to live together.

Dan would spend so much time there as he hated his university that eventually they came to the conclusion that they should live together.

It just made sense to share. He was too tall for the sofa and Phil was too nice to ask a guest to sleep on the floor while Dan was way too awkward to kick Phil out of his own bed. So they came to a compromise. Besides it was totally innocent. At least on Phil’s part anyway.

Dan felt the familiar heat wash across his face as he made his way into the bathroom thinking back to the many times, after spending the night with a sleeping Phil cuddling him he would have to race into Phil’s shower first thing and turn the temperature to near freezing for as long as it took before he was able to face Phil again.

Even now, with two bedroom’s they would often share if one of them was sick or feeling a bit lonely. Phil would sometimes walk into Dan’s room after he had gone though one of his many ‘phases’ and slowly make his way under the covers into bed with the upset Dan, wrapping both of them up with Dan’s duvet and allowing the younger boy to cry on his shoulder.

Sometimes, like last night, one would just be too lazy to move to their own room, the other one knowing, would just throw a blanket over them both and they would drift to sleep in who’s ever room they were in.

These times happened less and less since they moved in together, but Dan still loves it when it does happen.

Dan groans, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he makes his way slowly to the bathroom in an attempt to wake up. 

Phil’s train is supposed to arrive at the station at around half past one. Dan texts him at ten past asking about his trip. They text back and forth for a bit until Dan decides he has to finish editing his latest video if he wants a chance of uploading it on time. They text goodnight to each other and Dan move’s from his phone to his laptop.

At around nine, Dan slams his hands down, growling quietly under his breath. Seven hours in and he still wasn’t fully happy with the video. Sighing, he admitted defeat for the night and saved the editing he had manged to get done before closing his computer.

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