Look For Me

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The rest of the gang slowly wake up from the best sleep they ever had. Dean and Sam are the first to get out of bed, shirtless with some shorts on. They do their morning routine and go back to their room, to watch some T.V. Zayn wakes up an hour after, stretching in bed. He sighs and sits up, rubbing his eyes. He looks to his right and sees that Mix wasn't there. He raises an eyebrow and looks around, seeing that the bathroom door was wide open, with no actions happening in there. He gets up and brushes his teeth, cleaning his face, and wiping it off. "Mixtli?" He says loudly as he walks out of the room. He hears some chattering coming from a room, so he walks over to the room. He opens the door and sees Dean sitting in bed, watching T.V. "Hey, have you seen Mix? She wasn't in bed when I woke up." Zayn looks around. "Maybe she went to the store?" Dean shrugs his shoulders. Zayn nods his head and makes his way downstairs and looks out the window. There he sees the car and her motorcycle parked in the street and driveway.

"Cas! Have you seen Mix?" Zayn goes up the stairs and into Cas' room, only to see that Violet was in bed alone. He walks over to his sister and shakes her awake. "Where's Cas?" he asks when she opens her eyes. Violet sits up and looks around the room, "I don't know. Maybe he went to the store?" Zayn shakes his head. "No. The cars are still here and Mix isn't anywhere to be found either." Violet gets uo from the bed and looks into the bathroom, "Okay. Where's Alice? She usually finds them." Violet and Zayn walk out the room and head to where Louis' room is only to stop short when Louis appears from the room panicked, "Have you guys seen Alice anywhere?" he asks. Violet and Zayn look to each other before shaking their head. "Mix and Cas are gone too. What the hell happened?" The three of them go to Sam and Dean's room. "Alice, Mix and Cas are missing." they say before leaving the room. Sam and Dean spring up, "Are you sure? Maybe they went to-" Louis cuts them off. "The cars and motorcycle are still here. And there isn't a note like there usually is."

"Do you think that they were taken?" Violet gasps. The boys are wide eyed and look at each other, before rushing to go change into some clothes. After a few minutes of changing and waiting, everyone else is looking at the stairs, waiting for Zayn. "Who would try to take Mix, Cas and Alice?" Dean asks and looks at the others. Everyone shrugs their shoulders. "If they were captured, then there is only one person I can think of." Zayn says as he runs down the stairs, putting on his leather jacket. "Well who?" The others ask. Zayn gets out a paper from the living room and starts to draw. "This is no time for drawing Zayn." Louis sighs. "No wait, he is having a thought." Violet says. Zayn finished the drawing in minutes, showing the gang. "This is the mark that Mix has. She had this before we met. It shows a name printed on the ribbons." Zayn points to the bottom ribbon. "Its says Ray." Sam whispers.

"We could use that to trace. How many Rays can there be?" Louis says and snatches the paper from Zayn's hand. "Wait. I found this just now; it was stapled to the wall with this knife." Dean holds up a dagger and a note. Zayn snatches the dagger and the note. " 'If you even think about following us, we'll make sure to kill all of them. We'll enjoy experimenting on them though.'" Zayn reads the note and looks at the group. "This isn't happening. Oh God this isn't happening." Zayn backs away slightly and his breath quickens. Violet stands up to him and back hands him, "Focus Zayn. We don't have time for this." she then turns to Louis, "Can you run a test on the hand writing?" Louis nods and then takes out his computer. Then he starts running the test, taking out a different computer and running a test on how many different Rays there are inside their region.

"Ok, so I found six different Rays here. One is a private account, which seems to be a bit weird." Louis says as he types away. "This guys last name is Sane." Louis says. He continues to type and sees all his private information, including his credit card account and what not. "That's the guy." Zayn points to the picture of Ray Sane. "Look at the way he makes the 'E' and 'W'. It has to be him." Zayn points to the letters. "Do you really think he is going to kill them? Expecially Mix since she is getting close to her sixth or seventh month?" Sam asks. "If that man does anything to her, I will be sure he will not see her or anyone in the world ever again." Zayn slams the dagger on the table and walks out of the building. "Come on. Lets go." Violet pats the boys back and follows her brother. Louis closes his laptop and carries it under his arm, walking out of the house. Sam and Dean grab some bags and exit out, locking the door behind them.

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