>>Valentine's day special 2<<

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Ok Draco's turn. I mightve gotten juuuusssttttg a litttttlllleeeee  *cough* extremely *cough* carried away with this because obviously im a Draco girl lmao


Usually, you and Draco didnt do much on Valentine's day. But today, he had woken up early to make you breakfast, and he had been kissing you every chance he got. He was extra cuddley and he told you he loved you every five minutes.

"Draco, are you ok, love?" you ask.

"Yea im fine, baby. Why wouldnt i be?"

You can tell he was lying. But you dont say anything about it.

"Oook" you say,  putting on your shoes. You had dressed up in Slytherin colors today, unintentionally, even though you were a Hufflepuff back at Hogwarts.

"I'm going out for food with Pansy and Blaise...  Wanna come?"

He nods and grabs his jacket.

"Loki dokie then. Lets go" you pick up your wallet and walk out the door. The cafe you were meeting Pansy and Blaise at wasnt far from where you lived, so you walked.

"Y/N i have to tell you something." Draco says.

"Yea, babe whats up?"

"Can we go back home?" he asks. He seems so nervous.

"Draco whats wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, Y/N, i just want to go home"

You sigh and turn back in the direction of your house.

"If Pansy and Blaise get mad me for not showing up, its on you" you grumble under your breath as you unlock the door and step inside, your heels clicking on the tile of the kitchen as you drop your keys in the bowl you keep them in. You lean on the island and look at your boyfriend expectantly.

"Well? Whats up?"

He sighs. "Y/N i love you so much. You know that. You've loved me for me, even though I've done terrible, horrible things." you see his eyes start to water.

"And i want to spend the rest of my life with you" he continues.

Now youre crying too.

"But i cant"

You suddenly are having trouble breathing and you can physically feel your heart shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. "What?"

"I cant spend forever with you knowing that im such a terrible person, and youre so pure.  I just cant" he wipes his eyes on the back of his hand.

"But i need you to know that i love you. So here" he places a gold ring on the counter. Its shaped like a snake and it has emerald eyes. You let out a silent sob as you slip it on your finger.


"No, Y/N. I just- i have to go" he goes to the room you two share and locks the door. Minutes later you hear things breaking. You slide down the wall and  hug your knees, sobbing quietly.

You may not have had super special Valentine's days in the past, but this, this was crazy. Why was he suddenly so insecure? And why today? He was fine this morning. You get up and walk to the bedroom door.

"Draco?" you call softly, gently knocking on door a few times. You twist the knob  and the door swings open, revealing your destroyed room. There was glass everywhere. But you couldnt care less. All you could see was Draco, sitting in the middle of it all, with bloody hands and tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, baby" you say quietly. You walk through the glass, your heels breaking the already shattered shards even more. More water drips from your eyes as you kneel next to him.

He shakes his head. "Lets get you cleaned up."

You lead him to the bathroom and clean up his hands and shirt, which has blood all over it.


He doesnt say anything.

"I dont care who you are, where you're from, or  what you did, as long as you love me." you say, taking his face in your hands. A couple tears slip from his eyes and you wipe them away with your thumbs.

"But i killed him"

"i know"

"He was like your father"

You sigh. "I know"

"How can you still love me?"

"Because  i know that you were just doing what he told you to do. I know that you're not like that anymore. And i know that you love me" you say, your E/C eyes boring into his silver ones.

"But i see parts of him in you. Like how caring you are, how you see the good in people, how you always want to help everybody" he says.

"Draco. If Dumbledore could see you now, he would be so proud of the man you've become"

Draco leans his head on your shoulder. "I love you so much"

"I love you too. And you will marry me or so help me God, you will never see the light of day."

He chuckles through his tears. "Im sorry i ruined our Valentine's day"

"You didnt ruin it, baby. We just got engaged, did we not?"

He smiles before capturing your lips in his.

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