Up A Hill

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Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water...

I sat the bucket on the ground, hoping it wouldn't tip over since we were on a slope going up hill. With the back of my pale hands, I mopped the sweat from my brow, my summer clothes clinging to my skin like a second layer. I looked behind me and saw a fair maiden, holding the ends of her dress as she struggled up the hill. I smirked at her sweat soaked face, and how her golden locks, which were usually in beautiful curls, was now frizzy. Her dark brown eyes, came up to greet my blue ones and she gave me a glare that didn't reach the smirk on her face.

"Hurry up Jillian, by the time we get there, the sun would have dried up the well. I will not have been known to come here for naught" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"My dear Jacklyn, be patient. You may not have the body of man but you carry the brain of a brute" she said before finally reaching my side.

"Ha! My mind is brighter than any man. I'm too clever for any of them, their offers to wed me are even pathetic" I gloated placing a proud hand on my heart.

Jill gave a soft smile "Then who would you want to wed then. And for heaven's sake, don't say a blacksmith, your jokes have long gotten old" she said, warning me with her stare.

I grinned. My gaze carefully looked over my Jillian. We have been friends since our mothers met carrying us in their wombs. She was always the lady of both of us, proper, kind, manners in tact. While I on the other hand, dressed in men's clothes, played with the boys, had the mouth of a sailor, and would get into fights. Everyone calls us Jack and Jill, since we've known each other for so long, we could have been sisters, like the siblings in the tale. But we would never want that. At least I wouldn't, I love Jill. Having her as a sister would be a horrible taboo. My eldest brother, Sanuk, has already asked for Jill's hand. She hasn't answered him, but my fear is, she'll say yes and leave me.

I reached down and picked up the empty bucket. "Oh, you know. A fair maiden. She is beautiful, young, loved by all, and very accepting of my passion towards women" I said softly beginning to take a step up the hill.

Jill stood there for a heartbeat too late before falling into step with me. "So, a woman has caught you in her web" she said, almost bitterly, but I could hear the masking sweetness. Was she jealous?

At the thought, my heart gripped its cage. "Aye, a glorious woman that I know I must have" I said, taking a glance at my best friend before looking forward. Her beautiful features were nonchalant.

"What is her name" she asked, looking at me.

I grinned gleefully "What would be the fun in telling you. You will know when she is delivered to me for the alter" I said and she quickly looked away and the rest of the walk was silent.

When we reached the top, I looked over our small village, sighing at the sight of the clock tower attached to the church. I will wed her minutes before the clock bells ring, kissing her at the sound. The sound echoing our love. Then I'll carry her out and into the house I was building with my papa, for us. I will make the way to the bedchamber and finally claim all of her as mine. I love her.

"Jacklyn!" Jill yelled, her hands on her hips and her face scowling at me. I chuckled and walked over to the small, gray brick well. I tied the buckets handle to the rope and carefully, lowered it down into the water.

While we waited, I looked up and saw Jill, leaning against the well, her back to me staring at our village.

I raised my dirty hand and reached across the well, placing it on her shoulder. She looked at me from over her shoulder. A cool breeze picking up her frizzy blonde hair.

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