Just like Wills had said, at exactly dawn I received a message. A hand written message on a smooth cream white sheet of paper, written in a silky black inked pen.

The message simply said You know what I want my love.

Love my ass, all I wanna give is a giant punch to his face. Sadly, there is no proof that the note was even written by Constantine. The only indication were the words 'my love' but really it's like finding a needle in a hay stack. Anyone could have written it. Especially if they were trying to throw me off. That's the problem with being a hunter. You never know the truth, because lying is all demons do. So when you get information like this you can't just assume, you need proof. And without knowing what the hell the note meant, my proof, is to go out and find it myself. To go out and find Wills. To go out and save my brother.


It's been three hours since I first left my house. I've been driving to Chicago, since that's the only place that we claimed to have seen Constantine at so far. It's at least a five hour trip from where I was, which, is confidential. Even when I enrolled in school, I had to give a fake address. Of course, Michael never knew. So each time someone who showed up to my house like pizza delivery guy, Michael's friends, etc, would leave, I'd shock them with memory loss of this house's existence. I was very protective and I kept the other half of my life a secret from Michael. I even kept half of my ID hidden. Not that giving a fake address, hidden angel jury, and lies, stopped Wills from finding me and my brother anyways. Michael shouldn't be caught in this, he has nothing to do with this world. Half the reason my step mom left anyways, was for protection.

I had the angel blood in my system, she couldn't stop me from becoming apart of this world, but she could stop Michael, and that's just what she did. At least ten of his twenty two years are lies. It really sucks, but it's how it had to be. The stuff he knew though was all true, like I have always been his sister, my mom was killed, our dad did leave us, and etcetera. But it was modified. Like my mother's death was no accident, she was attacked by Constantine and killed with his silver dagger, I am definitely Michael's sister, he just doesn't know that I also am a demon hunter, and his "protector", let's see, my dad did leave us but not because he hated us, because he was guess what, protecting us. Michael doesn't know that though. I didn't even know that until two years ago. What a great sweet sixteen present. Either way, now Michael has been thrown into the middle of this. It's not ok. He doesn't deserve this.

And the only way I can repay him through what he's going through currently is to get him home.

I am going to get him back, and I am doing it alone.


Finally the five hours are up and I pull into a hotel. Climbing out of my black Lexus sport car, I grab my suitcase. My heeled black boots click against the cement below my feet as I walk and pull my suitcase behind me. I hit the lock button on my car and hear it beep twice as I walk into the hotel. Being sure my wig is in place I walk over to the front desk. The guy looks over at me and his eyes instantly widen.

"Miss, how may I help you?" he asks stumbling over his words.

"Yes, I need a room for one." I say leaning seductively over the desk and biting the earpiece tip of my sunglasses. His eyes drop to my chest and I smirk as he shakes his head and quickly looks back up.

"Just for one?" he asks clearing his throat. I nod.

He clears his throat again and slowly turns around and starts to type. I hear the door open behind me, and I look over my shoulder as a man walks in. He looks over at me, then away.

"Mam, I need some ID please."

I turn my attention back to the guy and grab my ID from my bra. Pulling it out I hand it over and he stares at it like a hungry dog.

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