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So I got tagged for the first time so I figured why not and I wasn't sure where to put it so sorry if this is disappointing. (Also I have a message at the end if you don't care to read the tag) I was tagged by Gayaza for the 13 tag. So here it is...


1) You must post all the rules.
2) You must tag 13 people.
3) You must tell 13 facts about yourself.
4) You must answer all 13 questions given and give 13 more.
5) You are not allowed to say "I don't do tags" (jeez this tag is persistent)
6) Tag backs are allowed.
7) You must be finished in a week.

Alright let's do this, 13 random facts:

1. My first anime was technically Attack on Titan

2. The night I started watching it I binge watched half of it.

3. I also had a stomach bug and in addition to puking I had lucid dreams about the show, it was freaky. (That and Star Trek: Voyager which I was also watching at the time)

4. Aside from a few exceptions I hardly ever remember my dreams.

5. I'm the oldest in my family (ugh).

6. I fell in love with Ereri because of Mishkali's videos on YouTube.

7. I'm allergic to chocolate.

8. Unless it's a romance (in which case I'm probably not watching it) I dislike a large romantic focus and especially love triangles in other genres, I feel it takes away from the story.

9. I'm in the IB program at my school but just dropped full IB for my mental and physical health.

10. Harry Potter was my first fandom.

11. I'm a Ravenclaw.

12. I write all my stories in the notes on my phone.

13. Only one person I know irl has read my stories.

1) What is your favorite food?

2) Favorite anime genre?
Action and/or psychological thriller

3) What is your OTP?
Ereri probably overall (I go through phases)

4) What is your favorite piece of clothing?

5) What is your gender?

6) Which color do you hate/dislike?
Anything that doesn't work with the colors around it

7) Sweet or salty foods?
Depends on the day and if my digestive systems wants to function properly or not

8) Who is your favorite person?
I like different people for different reasons but I have a cousin who is probably the most amazing person in existence

9) If you could go into any anime and live there, which anime would it be and why?
Probably Durarara since the death rate isn't too high and knowledge is power there, with the info on people I already have and a universe I can blend in to, I think I could be successful. I'm just fascinated by all the characters and to know more.

10) Favorite video game.
My dad has an old Star Wars computer game that I've gotten really good at over the years.

11) If you could get a scholarship from any country which would it be?
Sweden, I have a weird affinity with that country for several reasons (*cough* SuFin *cough* Vändetta cosplay *cough*)

12) What is your favorite story on Wattpad?
Your Royal Highness by Kiptonize

13) Lays or Pringles? XD
I'm indifferent, I just love chips

Okay then I tag the following people:










(Not quite 13 but I'm anti-social even on the internet a lot of them are people I remember who commented a lot)

My Questions:
I'm too lazy to create my own new questions so just use the one's that are there. But change No. 13 to: Chocolate or Vanilla?

So since I wrote the bonus chapter I finished my Jeanmarco fic. I have written an Ereri one shot if you want to check that out. And as s bigger announcement I just started doing Hetalia one shots which I am super excited for since I've been wanting to write Hetalia for awhile, so if your interested that is now available.

Alright I hope this wasn't too boring, thanks for the continual support especially with the response I got from the bonus chapter. You are all amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

House Cat [Neko!Levi x Eren, Attack on Titan]Where stories live. Discover now